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The girl is right there in my face  with her bright blond hair. She is  waiting for me to give her my answer and I'm being stubborn. Then she comes over and asks me the question again. I look her in her bright blue eyes and just kept me stubborn. "Where is the king?", the girl says. "Where is he hiding at?" I kept quite for a moment. "The king? He is in the back of the warehouse.",I said. The girl knew I was lying so she cut my hand. It hurt like hell. The cut was the worse pain I can ever felt. Then she started pour the vinegar into the cut and it hurt even worse the pain was excruciating.

I yelled at the top of my lungs the girl slapped me. I bite her hand as it connected with my face. She cussed. "You, idiot! Why would you bite me? I'm holding the knife!"  Then one of her guards came out and whispers to her. "Vanessa  some kids are outside the door asking for your presence."

So her name is Vanessa. What a loving name for a bitch. Just as Vanessa was leaving the ground shook and shook till everyone in the room fell. The lights to the room went out then someone pushed over my chair. Great. So now I can't see and stuck on the floor. I tried to get the rope undone but I couldn't. I was struck then the ground shook again then the roof fell. I put my back all the way to the back off the chair and tried to bury my head.

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