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The roof caved in not too far above my head. I tried and tried to get my hand loose, but couldn't. I reached for a rock so I can try and break the handcuffs, but I failed at the attempt. The dome did another quake. This time, a boulder size rock fell on the chair and the chair exploded with pieces flying everywhere. I got up still cuffed but free. I found my way through a hallway and made it to the front yard of the Town Hall. The dome look like it was getting smaller. I couldn't tell if it was by a lot because its clear. I was distracted. Then I got to get off the net for a second. That I didn't see everybody running out the town hall like a stampede. Were are they going? They can't go to far then. I see the scared people jump into a sewer. I went in the opposite direction towards my house. I might as well stay there since that's all I have left of my family.

As I got closer to my house I started thinking where can a family go and hide in the small town. I walk in the door and go up the stairs to my room. "Home sweet home.",I said to myself. I flop onto my bed and pass out. I don't know how I fell asleep while everybody was hiding underground but I did. It felt good to finally be in my own bed since the dome came down.

When I a woke from my slumber, I heard the house phone ring. Then I think how can I be getting a call from under this dome. I didn't take time to figure out the answer out so I ran down the stairs and picked up the phone. A heavy breathing person was on the other end. "Hello? Who is this?",I asked. "Meet me in my basement.",the person said. Can people just not give me the dang answer instead of these mind games they are playing. I told the person that I will meet them at four. I went to the attack to grab a hand gun just in case when I heard something move behind a box. I went over and saw a person. It looked like a girl. "Hello? Who are you?',I asked in a demanding voice. The girl got up and I saw that she either lived at the donut store or she got knocked up. "M-my name is Kendra and I have been up here in this attack for a week." Why? I am kinda of stuck so I went to look over to see what she was talk in about. This girl is hand cuffed to a pipe by the legs. I look for the gun and I shoot the cuffs chain off. I looked at the girl and led her down then stairs into kitchen to feed her. Kendra is a beautiful girl. She has long red hair and is about five feet fall. She has brownish eyes, maybe hazel. Whatever it was, it made her look like a queen. I gave her a glass of water and asked to feel her stomach. I don't know why but I felt like touching her stomach. I felt her stomach and she whines at the touch of my fingers. I ask her,"What's wrong?", and she lifted up her shirt enough to show that she had a two stab wounds. Someone abused her. So I took her to couch and laid her down. "Stay right here I'm gonna get some perioxde.",I said. I went in the bathroom and couldnt find the perioxde, but I found some alcohol. When I returned to the living room, Kendra wasn't there. I looked for her outside. Couldn't find her so I left the house looking for her. Still couldn't find her so I went to the foodmart and sat down to think of were she could of gone. Then I had a thought so in headed for the warehouse.

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