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It always comes that time when we think about everything/everyone we should had given more importance, but didn't. It always comes that time when we realize who matters the most to us.
Hopefully it is not too late...


I wish we could just lay down
Drinking a nice glass of wine
Beside that tremendous fire
Sitting on the warm ground

We could dance all night long
Singing alongside that song
When we stay together strong
Nothing could ever go wrong

We could start a casual talk
Chatting how we grew old
Telling stories left untold
Break every unopened lock

We could stay up all night
Without fearing the dark
Recreating our soul mark
That we've left out of sight

We could do so many things
If you were here with me
But you decided to be free
Couldn't deal with my flings

We know I was at my worst
That day our roads crossed
Probably I never supposed
That we would get this hurt

I treated it like a new game
What we had wasn't an object
You never knew what to expect
And I never took the blame

I never treated you the same
You were always a gentleman
But I was being mental and
Broke our perfect love frame

I didn't appreciate you then
When God gave me a chance
I never spoke about romance
Ended it myself since it began

Now I'm looking everywhere
For your perfect comfort hand
And it makes me so sad and mad
That I need you like I need air

Believe me, if I had you again
This time I would make you stay
I would hold you close to me
Show you how good it really feels

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