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My phone rings at nearly five in the morning. My parents are out so I invited the guys to stay over for the night. The floor is littered with empty take away containers and pizza boxes. My three best friends are located at three different ends of the floor, wrapped tight in sleeping bags. Apparently I was the only one who heard the ring.

I flip out of my warm bed and tiptoe around them to the outlet my phones charging in then continue out of the room only to find that it's Jade calling.

"Hello?" I whisper into the speaker. I instantly worry that something happened. I haven't heard from her in about two weeks, and now she's calling in the middle of the night.

"Liam" a hushed voice echoes through the speaker.

"Yea. Is everything ok or...?"

"No." She croaks through a sob. "Why is my life like this. Why do these things happen to me?"

She sounds so sad and my heart instantly goes out to her. "Is it something specific?" I ask quietly into the speaker.

"It's him. Liam, he won't leave my head. I can't sleep. I can hardly eat. Nothing appeals to me, except hiding in the dark."
I can't imagine how scary it must be to be in a situation like hers. I can hear her breathing heavily through the speaker.

"Text me the address you're at. I'll be there as soon as I can." I request.

"Liam what are you going to do?"

"Just trust me I know how to clear your head." I say and mean it. I'm going to try something that always works on me, and pray it works for her too because for some reason, I feel like I'm responsible.

I slip into the car and wait impatiently for the small space to warm up. seconds later, I receive a text.
"17 old farm house st"

I know exactly where that is, so I head out to meet Jade.

When I pull up she is standing on the curb with her phone in her hands, ear buds tight in her ears and a large baggy sweatshirt covering what I assume are pajamas. She doesn't notice my car parked to I text her, "look up". Almost instantly she looks up and me and grins, running to the passengers seat.

"Hi." She says rubbing her hands together and pulling the headphones out of her ears.

"Hi" I reply.

"Will you please tell me where we are going?" she practically begs. I give her my most mysterious smile and stay silent as I restart the car.

The radios quiet hums are the only sound in the car. She has removed her shoes and pulled her knees up to her chest. I decide to break the ice.
"Has anything happened since the fight I saw?"

She lets out a slow breath before turning her face to look at me. She doesn't answer. She simply watches as I drape my arm over the wheel, and shift in my seat.

"Sorry. Just wondering." I awkwardly remark.

"Is it weird that I'm in the car with you at five am. I hardly know you at all. What if you're about to kill me?" she rants.

"Jade. Clam down." I stop her. "I'm just trying to help you. I feel like in the two times I've met you, we've gained each other's trust. I would never hurt you. Always remember that. Ok?" I mean it. For some reason, since I saw her helpless expression that day of the fight, my mission has been to see her smile.

When we arrive, she glances out the window and gives me a confused look. "Liam wha-"

"Just follow me" I instruct, cutting her off. The slight nod she gives is enough to know she feels safe with me. That thought warms my heart.

The moon gives the vast field a dim, yet fluorescent glow. I am becoming more confused by the second as to why Liam would take me here, but my thoughts are partially answerd when I see a small shack under a huge tree up ahead. I glance down at my phone. It's 5:37. The darkness of the sky is slowly lightening.

"Go ahead right in there" he calmly instructs, leading me through the little wooden door.

The shack is one room. There is a mattress in one corner, perfectly made with blue and green bedding. Next to it, leaning on the wall, is a broom. This top is covered with matted black duck tape. There is a small area designed as a kitchen, but no stove or oven. There is a beautiful fire place on the wall opposite the mattress, with beautiful stone work, and a large L carved into it. The last wall is littered with paintings and art as well as a glass door and a table with a set of speakers, and a little bowl Liam drops his keys in.

"So what do you think?" He asks leaning on the back wall and slipping his shoes off of his feet and onto the concrete floor.

"It's amazing. What is it though?" I ask, expressing my confusion.

"My place." he simply says. I hope he takes my silence as a sign to explain further. "I come here when I want to hide away. I don't take people here really but you really needed it."

"I don't... I just..." I stumble on my words.

"Unlock your phone and put on a playlist that has songs that help you calm down." He says gesturing to the speaker of the table. I do as he says and follow him outside. He's fiddling with a switch before thousands of small lights come on, lighting up the trees and giving everything the most beautiful, peaceful look. I feel instantly calmed as I slide into the nearest lawn chair.

"Now, I want you to focus on the music and the sliver of light coming up over there." I nod and understand him, but I'm in a trance. Bastille's 'oblivion' rings peacefully through my head and the lights and sunrise wash over me as everything that has been eating away at me melts away. I've never felt so relaxed.

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