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"I'm really bored" Niall moans over his textbook. It's Thursday so we are both stuck in the library. I give him a look instructing him to get back to work. He huffs, but eventually continues the problem. Just then, my phone buzzes, with a text from Jade.

'All is well. Just letting you know xx'

I found it a bit odd that she would send that at such a random hour of the day, but I shrug it off and continue my work.

When we finish, Niall tells me to drop him off at home, so I'll be alone today. The ride home is really just Niall talking about random shit I don't care about, so it's no problem leaving him at his house.

When I get home I notice a car parked in the drive way that's not my mothers. I don't recognize it but it's okay. I walk inside and see the blonde hair of my sister ruth. Joy bubbles up inside me as she slowly turns around and hugs me.
"There's my baby brother" she hums, messing up my hair. I can't even put into words how happy I am to see her.

I've been sat in Harrys guest room for hours. I have no phone and no way out. There are bars on the goddamn window. I literally feel like a patient In an old asylum. There's a bed and an empty closet in the small room. The carpets blue and the walls are white. My fear and need to be free has turned into boredom and hunger.

"Jade are you hungry?" Harry's disturbing voice calls through the locked door.

"Duh" I mutter knowing he is close enough to hear me. His breathing is heavy on the other side of the door as it slowly creeks open. He slips his hand in and grabs my arm before opening it all the way. I stumble through his grasp as he leads me to the table in the kitchen and forces me down into a chair. He continues his walk to the counter and keeps he back turned to me.

Eventually he turns around with a plate in his hand which he places down on the placemat directly in front of me. Atop there is the lamest looking burger I have ever seen. It was probably frozen. Harry sits down next to me and digs into his own soggy ass burger. I take a few bites but somehow my appetite is gone. The burger tastes as bad as it looks. Only a couple of minutes pass before his plate is dotted with crumbs and nothing more.

"Hey, want to watch a movie or something?" His thick accent questions. What the fuck? He locks me in his guest room and now he's trying to get with me again? What's going on?

"Or something." I stupidly remark.

"Jade don't fucking test me right now."

"Harry what the fuck?" I sputter and he looks flustered as hell. "You're literally keeping me prisoner here you know how fucked up that is even for you right?"

I can almost see the anger bubbling up inside of him. He stands up quickly from the table while simultaneously grabbing my wrist, bringing me up with him. Without a word, he angrily pulls me over to the couch, pushing me down into the cushions with force. He hovers above me, a wicked grin painted on his face, as he mutters a chilling string of words to himself.

Eventually he leans down to my level, his face only inches from mine. I can feel his breath on my Cheeks.

"Come on Jade. Remember all fun we used to have" he whispers.

A month ago I would've been putty in his hands if he spoke like this, but now it stirs fear in the pit of my stomach. All I can muster up to courage to say is "please just let me go home."

He chuckles deeply and leans even farther into me. "Why Jade? Don't you miss me at all?" His hands start to run up my sides as he talks and I'm frozen in place. His eyes rake over my body in the most lustful way and I worry about what he's think of doing to me.

To me greatest relief, a phone rings somewhere in the kitchen and it alarms him. He jumps up to go retrieve it and I waste no time pulling myself from the couch and making my way to the front door. I run. I don't really know why I'm running, I know he'd never lay a hand on me in such a public place, but I keep running and I don't look back.

I slow down at the end of his street so I can call an uber or some sort of car but when I go to reach for my phone, I discover it to be missing. A thought occurs to me. Was the phone that rang in the kitchen mine? Shit I'm sure it was. That's why he was so jumpy when it rang. Fuck now I'm without a phone, without a ride on the same street as my psycho ex. I guess I'll just keep walking. My house really isn't that far. Besides, it's about to get dark and I don't want to stay he any longer than I have to.

"Hey you look exhausted are you ok?" Ruth makes her way to the couch I'm on and has a seat. I sigh and look at her. My sister really is the most amazing part of my life, such and inspiration to me, always has been.

"I'm ok." I look her in the eye to try and convince her what I'm saying is true but she sees right through me. I've always told her everything but I feel silly right now. I don't know why but I do. She gives me a look that presses me to explain and when it all spills out.

"I went up to the tree house the other day" I finally admit. I feel tears prick at my eyes. "I go up there a lot but it was different this time. I could feel him. He was up there with me. With us. I was with someone."

She looks saddened by the mention of our father, but also confused by who was in the treehouse with me. She takes my hand in hers and asks me the question 'who?' With her eyes. 

"Someone who needed just as much as I did" is all I say. If I tell her more about Jade she'll assume that I'm showing off the treehouse to get attention, but it really was a gesture to help someone who  needed it. "I think dad liked that". I'm still fighting tears as I'm wrapped in a warm sister hug.

"He would've for sure" she reassures me.

It only takes me about 30 minutes to get home. I feel like shit. The sun has nearly set and my legs are exhausted after walking all the way home. I reach under my cotton Tshirt and unhook the restraining bra clip before hastily pulling it down my arms and flopping onto my messy bed.

I know I should shower. I know I need to do something good for myself but I can't move. I feel myself starting to cry so I just let it happen. I start thinking, pitying myself because nobody else will, and the tears come.

How did this become my life? What happened to my friends? When did my chest start to feel constant pressure? Is all this my fault? Will I ever feel good again? Will someone ever actually love me?

I can't believe what almost happened at Harry's. Would he have actually raped me? I don't even know how to feel. We used to be so close. How can I ever trust anyone again?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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