Chapter 2

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"This daddy?" those two words that I dreaded came from my angel's mouth, how could I lie to that innocent little face that only wanted to know about her daddy. "Yes baby girl that is daddy" i could tell she wasn't expecting that answer neither she looked at me with hope in her eyes and a goofy grin on her face.Then she said the words I knew were coming next but still cringed as I hear them "I meet daddy"

I can't bear to look at her I know her face that is lit up with joy i know im going to give in. I can't handle seeing Harry again, selfish of me I know, but I just can't I'll break down. Taelyn chooses that exact time to come out from her room half asleep, thank you Taelyn you just saved me from making one of the hardest decisions.

But Angel will have no distractions "Meet daddy" she says firmly I look to her and see a determined expression on her face and I know the decisions already made. I groan and bury my head into a pillow,  Angel watches me and climbs into my lap giving me a hug, I pull her to me tighter. I sit there until with Angel cuddling until Taelyn rudely interupts by doing that awkward coughing thing so we know she's there.

"What do you want Tae?" I ask, "She knows, doesnt she?" Taelyn replies nodding at Angel.

 I frown, bury my head into Angel's curls, and say "yep and now she wants daddy" Taelyn nods understanding,  "And I'm guessing you want to go to his concert next week? Meaning you need tickets and VIP passes." She says holding her hands out for Angel. I hand Angel to Taelyn moaning thinking of all the money going down the drain we barely have enough money as it is. Angel has to meet him one day might as well be then.

A/N Sorry for it being so short promise they will get longer 


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