Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I hear the screams as we walk on stage, and like always Im looking into the the crowd hoping to see Aria's eyes looking back, I'm ready to be dissapointed that shes not here when I see her gorgeous brown/hazel eyes. She looks terrified, I want to call out to her, to wrap her in my arms and never let her go, but she would probably smack me, hell i sometimes want to slap myself for being so stupid. The crowd just gets louder and I realize the first song is on and its my part but I cant sing I cant move, I'm frozen, I'm stuck in place and I'm dissapointing the fans. All I can do is stare at Aria gaping like a fish. All of the boys are motioning for me to sing but I can't. I'm dissapointing everyone, the fans, Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Aria and myself. Aria is starting to look dizzy, I know that look its when she's about to have a panic attack, oh shit what do I do. Aria is holding something in her arms clutching it to her chest its not that big, a purse maybe? Ahh i have to help her and suddenly I can move again and I fly off of the stage, not caring about the consequences that will be sure to follow, and I make my way through the crowd to Aria, where she's turning a pale white.

Aria's POV

I can't breath, I can't see I can't hear anything but deafening screams. I'm a stranger in my own body I know someone is holding me but where is my daughter! Who has my baby she'll be scared to death. I am in my own personal prison the person holding me is screaming at me "Aria get up!" but how do they know my name. Who is this person. I try to do anything scream, move, anything but I have absolutely no progress. I try again and again with no results. I feel like I've been like this for days, years, even when I hear my angel's voice clear loud and terrified. "MUMMY!!!!!!!" And I'm brought back to reality It hasn't been years I'm still young I'm still at the concert Angel is screaming for me and the person holding me is none other than The Harry Styles the last person I want to see, I look desperately around for the only person i want to see Angel bt she's no where to be found. Where is my child! Who has her, I look and look, until I see her in the arms of another boy, who most likely to be another boy from One Direction. I jump from Harry's arms through the crowd to the boy with my crying and screaming baby. I get to her and forcefully grab her from the boy I look over Angel protectively, for any cuts, bruises, or booboo's as she calls them, when I'm satisfied she's ok I turn and run, I run through the screaming girls, past the security, I run and run until one 'fan' grabs me by my hair. Oh god

thanks for reading comment vote fan

so for the next chapter to be posted I will need 5 votes as usual but I also want 3 comments! also go read my other stories you'll like them thanks!!!! bye.

<3 Mele

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