Chapter 7

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When I had woken up, it was dark. Really dark. I shifted, but whatever I was on was hard. My eyes had adjusted a little after a few minutes, and I looked around. I tried to move, only to see I was in a chair. I tried to get up, but my legs were tied to the chair. I began to panic.

I tried to speak, but the only sound that came out of me was a muffled yell. I then remembered what I had done.

"Well, you're finally awake." I recognized that voice. "But I thought you couldn't speak? You can make other noises, but you can't speak," the new animator of the studio had walked in front of me. He had dried tear stains on his face.

"I hate to do this, but I am letting you go, until you help me escape this hell," more tears formed in his eyes. I was shocked. I panicked again and looked around before putting my pointer finger and my thumb together, then waved my hand around. He seemed to get the message, and gave me a piece of paper and a pen. He set it up so that my hand could reach without it being unbound.

'I could've helped. But why did you do this?' I wrote on the paper.

"Bendy, I don't know. I've only been here a few days and I'm going crazy! Joey's gonna kill me as soon as I make a mistake! You're lucky to still be here yourself!" He yelled. He was clearly unstable... Joey had clearly done some horrible things to him. When he reached for my mask, I froze. He ripped it off and gasped a little.

"Look, we're both going insane! You had stitched your own mouth together because he told you to stop being a nuisance! I would never do something as dumb as what you have done, but I sometimes think about it! We can be free from this prison!" I know I had been insane for stitching my mouth together, but this man was off the hook.

He talked constantly about how we could get together and get away. I had began to get aggravated. My mouth twitched a little, and then I heard a snap. Pain began to engulf my face, and I could see blood dripping onto my lap. I had realized after a few minutes that the thread had popped on one side, and the animators expression was shocked. I didn't care though

I growled, before yelling the best I could with stitches on half out my mouth still. "It's not going to work! He will find us and kill us if we do manage to escape! He doesn't even let me out of the studio, because he thinks I might expose him for hurting people! What makes you think he'll ever let you our either? I'm not sure why he let Henry out after he got-" I paused. I came to a realization that I hoped wasn't true.

"B-Bendy?" The animator became scared.

"Unless.." I whispered.

"Unless what?"

I took a shaky breath, "Unless Henry had never left the studio. He had known about the things happening, the abuse and pain. A-and if Joey won't let anyone out, then why would he let Henry out?" I felt a tear form in my eye. I laughed maniacally, before getting louder and louder. The animator backed away uncomfortably, and I could hear the rest of the the thread pop. More blood had dropped from my mouth, and it spilled all over the floor. I begin to lose breath, but didn't stop. I then passed out.


I quickly jumped up in my bed. Sweat had rolled down the sides of my face. My chest was pounding, and I clutched it. I reached up with my other hand and felt my mouth. The stitches were still intact, and surprisingly, they weren't bleeding.

What if that is the truth? What if Henry never did leave? I shook off the thoughts. I reached over my bed and onto my dresser, trying to find my mask, and my heart picked up when I didn't feel it. I quickly stood up, but sighed in relief when I saw that I was only laying on it. I slipped it on my face and then lay back down. I pulled my covers on me and turned to face the wall. I then felt the sudden urge to go check all of the rooms. I wanted to see if Henry was here or not, but if he was... well... I don't want to begin to start about what condition he might be in. I began to move, debating on whether or not I should get up. I decided against it when I had collapsed onto my bed, and had got comfortable before slowly drifting off to sleep once again, or tried to go back to sleep. Even though I felt slightly weak and tired, I just couldn't seem to shut my eyes for a long enough time.

I sat up in bed after laying there for two hours or so. I stretched my legs before standing up and walking over to my desk. I took out a piece of paper and a pen, and began to write.

'Do you have any idea where Henry is now? I've been thinking a lot... And if Joey doesn't want anyone going out of the studio, why would he just let Henry leave like that after firing him. I just need to find a way to contact him.' I'm not sure why I wrote the letter, and I was confused as to what I would do with it now. I crumbled it up before tossing it onto my desk.

'I'm just wasting all of this ink, but for what reason?' I asked myself. 'It's not like anyone would care if they saw what I wrote. They would just throw it away without even glancing at it. Nobody cares about what someone so stupid has to say.' I walked over to my bed, getting tired again, but this time I actually felt genuinely tired.


Okay, so I may have lied about making every chapter an average of 2000 words. I'm going back to 1000, so I can update faster. And in my wierd world, this is how Bendy's body works. He doesn't have to eat or drink, unless he wants, but he does have to sleep. I don't know, it makes no sense but whatever.

Sewn Together: Bendy and the Ink Machine (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now