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AN: Haven't edited yet :/ well later!

Every action in this world has a consequence. Doesn't it?


"He's just a boy. It's not a big deal..." I kept my eyes down on the sidewalk, trying my best not to strangle Lexie out of embarrasment. I made the grave mistake of telling her about my not-a-date with Jaemy, and now she was yapping about how we made "such a cute couple!".

"It is too a big deal! You went out and had fun with a guy you just met! It's love at first sight!" She sighed happily as I pretended to be sick. Love?? As if. I did not have time for love. I turned around and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to respond, hoping direct eye contact might shut her up about him already!

"You know I don't date. He's just a boy. He asked me to go get coffee, I went and got coffee. We talked, he was fun. Like just-friends fun. Nothing is ever going to happen between us, because nothing can. I. Do. Not. Date." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"And why is that?" He said, from right behind me. I whirled around, sputtering for something to say. He burst out laughing, and I felt my cheeks warming in embarrasment.

"What is it with you and popping up out of no where? It's extremely creepy, just so you know." I glared at him, willing my face to turn any color other than the tomato red I saw reflected in the store window beside us.

"Sorry." Jaemy smiled, not looking at all sorry. "So, why is it you can't date? Cause you know, you are just my type." He winked, obviously joking. I glared at him harder, even as I felt my face grow even hotter. It was suprising that was even possible.

"It's a waist of time. Guys usually end up being jerks anyway, so why bother? Besides, my mother would never allow me near a boy." I rolled my eyes, still pretty ticked at mom for behaving like a child last night.

"I don't know about seems to be a pretty good reason to keep trying. Let me guess, you just got out of a pretty sticky relationship?"

"Uh, no. Actually, I have never been in a relationship." I glued my eyes to my shoes, shuffling my feet anxiously. It wasn't concidered even remotely "cool" to be as socially isolated as I was.

"At all?" He sounded not just surprised, but down right shocked. Sure, it's a litte weird, but has he seen me? It's not that shocking.

"At all. I just...don't. Like I said, it's a waist of my time." I looked up, realizing a bit too late that Lexie was being suspiciously quiet. I franticly glanced around, confirming my worries. She had ditched me.

"Where did Lexie go?" I glared up at Jaemy, immedietly dubbing this his fault. She was beside me, making it easy for me to not notice her walk away. Jaemy was standing right in front of her, he obviously saw her leave me.

"Who's Lexie?" He feigned confusion, trying not to smirk at me. Gosh, I wanted so bad to wipe that self-satisfactory look off his face! And a number of ways to do it...bad thought. Bad thought. Pulling my mind out of the gutter and moving on!

"Girl that was standing next to me a minute ago, shoulder length black hair, about 4 inches taller than me, ring a bell?"

"Ha-ha, yeah. She walked away after you turned to talk to me. Sorry, why don't you just text her?" His amused smirk aggravated me emmensly! I had no idea why everything he did got under my skin, but it just did.

"My phones dead. I didn't charge it last night." Just great. I guess I was headed back home, to watch TV and catch up on homework. Sounded like such an awsome Saturday.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 10, 2012 ⏰

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