[9] Question

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What should you do if a guy likes you but but you don't like him back?

Okay, well one thing (<---Directioners see what I did there? Haha)

Sorry, haha. Well one thing you could do is tell him. I know that would be hard but just go up to him, preferably with the friend you trust most, and be like 'I'm sorry, but I don't like you that way' and if he's a friend or something say 'I'm really sorry, I like you as a friend but not like that'.


You can just give him signs that you don't like him. Eg. Keep giving him the 'wtf' looks or 'what the actual fuck are you doing?' Looks you know.

Sorry this is absolutely no help but hope it helps!



Dont forget to look at the pic on the side on the chpater before! Haha xD


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