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I smiled as Vaysia picked some flowers from the meadow. She was almost fifteen now, and I wanted to hold onto every moment of her youth. 

"Do you think she'll want to do this when she gets a little older?" I asked Alex. 

"I think she might want to take her little brother or sister here when they're born," Alex said. I gently put a hand on my stomach. I was only about a month pregnant, so we hadn't told Vaysia yet. 

Suddenly, I heard a scream, and then silence. I looked around frantically, and saw Vaysia laying down in the meadow, unconscious. I ran over to her, tears in my eyes. "Vaysia? Vaysia? Can you hear me?" I turned to Alex. "Alex! Call an ambulance!" I checked for a pulse. There was nothing. She wasn't breathing. The tears streamed down my face. Alex ran to me and took me in his arms. I sobbed until the ambulance arrived. 


"How can someone just die of nothing?" I yelled at Alex. 

"She didn't die of nothing, Emily. The doctors just couldn't find a cause of death," Alex said. 

"I don't believe it," I said. "I can't." I ran towards the front door. 

"Wait, Emily!" Alex called. But I was already on my way out the door. 

I got into the car and turned the engine on. Tears blurred my vision and I began backing out of the driveway. If I crashed the car, I honestly wasn't sure if I'd care. 

I didn't know where I was going until I parked my car next to the meadow. I got out and slowly made my way into the meadow. I picked a bouquet of flowers, just like Vaysia always did. Suddenly, the flowers that I picked regrew instantly. I stepped back, surprised. 

A figure appeared behind the willow tree in the meadow. She had beautiful chestnut curls and bright green eyes. She was young, and wore a long white dress. I gasped as I realized who the figure was. 

It was Vaysia. 

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