End Note

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Thank you guys so much for reading my short story! This was actually a story I started writing over a year ago, but I never got the chance to finish it. I'm so glad I got to finish it finally.

Thank you guys again for reading this story. I really hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, why don't you read my other stories? I have several other books, including Red Queen; Entwined; Cursed; Scarred; Sorry, Wrong Number; and The Last of Us.

Shoutout to two of my friends whose names I used in this story. I won't say which names were theirs to protect their privacy, but I did use their names for the character names. They are some of my closest friends. I love you guys.

Anyways, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this note. You readers mean everything to me. I love you guys.


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