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"How did it go at the meadow?" Alex asked when I got home. "Did Makayla like it?"

"She loved it," I said. "Alex, I need to tell you something."

"What's going on?" Alex asked.

"I've been seeing Vaysia at the meadow," I said.

"How is that even possible?" Alex exclaimed. "Vaysia died five years ago."

"I think I've been seeing her ghost," I explained. "That's why I've been going to the meadow so often. Every time I go there, I see her."

"Emily, this is crazy," Alex said. "There's so such thing as ghosts."

"Well, I've been seeing Vaysia. Explain to me how that's not some sort of ghost," I said.

"Emily, you're being delusional," Alex said. "You're hurt. You want her to still be there, so you're imagining her."

"I'm not schizophrenic," I exclaimed. "Come to the meadow with me tomorrow and I'll show you that she is actually there."

"Fine," Alex said. "We'll go tomorrow."


We drove in silence the whole way to the meadow. When we arrived, I parked the car and walked up to the place where I always see Vaysia.

"Vaysia?" I called out. I heard a rustle in the leaves of the willow tree. I looked towards the tree and saw Vaysia hiding behind it. I walked over towards the willow tree. "Why are you hiding?"

"Why did you bring him here?" Vaysia whispered. "He doesn't need me. If he sees me, that will be one more person who has to let me go."

"Vaysia, I wanted to prove to him that you exist," I explained. "Go say hi to him." I took her hand and pulled her towards Alex.

"What are you holding onto?" Alex asked.

"I told you she was here," I said, gesturing towards Vaysia. Vaysia waved at Alex.

"I don't see anything," Alex said.

"What?" I exclaimed. "She's right here. Right next to me."

"Honey, this is what I'm talking about," Alex said. "You're delusional. I think you need to see a therapist."

"No, Alex, she's there!" I shouted. I turned to look for her, but she had disappeared. "W-where'd she go?"

"She was never there, Emily," Alex said. "C'mon, let's get you home."

Astonished, I let Alex drag me back to the car. I couldn't believe it. Was it possible that I really was imagining Vaysia this entire time? The entire drive home, the thought burned in my mind.

Maybe Alex is right. Maybe I am crazy.

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