Chapter 5 Sollarion POV

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The moment he saw the princess tumble into the river he knew he hated her even more than he first thought. She was more trouble than she was worth. However he needed her alive. So without thinking to long he jumped after her. Black cold water taking him under. He fought the pulling of the water with he's strength and magic, making it harder to just push him down. It took him however quit a while to find the woman he was looking for until he saw bubbles going for the surface and he dove down the way they had came. The life was fading from her when he found her so he did what he's sister had taught him to do when people drowned. Breath your own air into them. However, he had not planned how fast she could turn his magic against him. He could do nothing as she drained him of his magic. Her lips burning on his. Then they got pushed so fast through the water his sense of direction failed him.

Until they slammed into sand. She released him instantly and with a stumble and a fall broke into a ran over the before the laying sand beach to the woods beyond. "Wait-!" He raspt. His voice horse. He stumbled forward and his knees hit the sand.

He's friends still circled the woods in bird form. It would be much easier for them if they could burn down the forest to catch her. But a forest fire would be hard to stop. With a curse he got back up on his feet and cashed after the girl who caused him so much trouble.

The girl wasn't very fast. A lucky point for him. Even though she might have his magic now, he would still catch her. She had become sick over the mouth they had held her captive. The constant drugging of her body showed it's toll on her human body. The fever had been bad so she had gotten treatment. But it seemed she had chosen that moment to gain consciousness again. Where her guards had been he would find out later and show them what happens to people who fail at their tasks. The snapping of twigs and leaves ahead told him she girl wasn't far. He sped up his speed. And not long after he gained sight on her again. At that moment she looked over her shoulder. The look of terror on her face made him smirk. She had every reason to be afraid. She had pushed her luck with his patients very far today. He would teach her a lesson too. Her hand moved like drawing a quick line in the air behind her. Flame erupted. A wall blocking his vision, probably to slow him. To bad flames can't hurt him. He didn't slow as he ran through the flame wall. What met him at the other side however was not what he expected. The girl had stopped running and stood there facing him. Lighting dancing on her finger tips. Before he could slow to a stop her vist met his chest and lighting flew through him. It knocked the air out of him and he lost control of his muscles. His body sacked like a sack of rocks and slide on with the speed he still had from he's sprint. The girl yelped as he fell before her feet and sled on pushing her off her feet and onto him. They tumbled, a mass off lims, clothes and lighting. Then a sudden speed up as the rolled down a rocky slope. Stones scratched Sollarion all over his body and he hard the girl more then once howl in pain. Until their fall ended in hard thump! They had landed in thorn bushes. The girl was lying beneath him her eyes closed and her expression pained. He was on top of her blood dripping from the side of his face and many more spots on his body from rock cuts. The princess didn't look much better. There was a large cut just beneath her right eye, blood spilling from it over half her face. Her chest heaved and her breaths came ragged. She moved slowly opening her eyes. For a brief moment they just stared at each other. Then they both moved at the same time. He pinned her down at her arms by her wrists. And she pushed up her leg between his legs. He however won when her body flinched beneath him. A groan of pain escaping her and her leg halted between his legs. He grinned. He had pushes her arms roughly into the thorns below them.

It was obvious he had the upper hand in this battle off wills now. To prove his point he pushed his whole body down hard against hers. She howled and arched her back trying to push herself up as much as possible their body's pressed tightly against each other. He only notice now how close they were to each other as her chest heaved fast against his. Her green eyes found his. The fear and pain within pleased him. Good, she was learning her lesson than, to never mess with a phoenix. "Please..." She breath. He looked at her more closely. Her scratched face, messed up hair, ribbed and wet clothes. The bleeding wounds all over her. "You shouldn't have run." He breathed. His thumb rubbing her so small wrist. She shivered to his touch an expression of pain flashing across her face as her body moved probably deeper into thorns. He searched her eyes for some sort of sign she planned another escape. "Will you behave now?" The look she gave him told him he was going to die a horrible death if she ever got the chance. He sighed. "I thought so..." Her eyes shifted to look behind him. Or well more likely above them. They were still being circled from above. But they had not yet made out their location. "What will you do to me...?" Her voice was horse and quite. "Treat your fever." The girl's brows furrowed. New sweat was forming on her forehead. Her condition wasn't good. He was surprised she had made it this far. "No drugs." "No." Her expression darkend. Then her body parted from his pushing into the bushes below and her knee came up to fast for him to react and it hit him right in his holy parts. He cringed and crumbled over losing all of his grip on any muscle. The girls gasped loudly as his how weight dropped on her. This was probably not what she had planned. Pain filled him and it took him a moment to recover. When he did he noticed the smell of her body. He had landed with his face in her neck. Her could feel her body take shallow breaths beneath him. His grip tightened on her wrists. She annoyed him so much right now. She would pay. Then he bit her. She yelped as he bit into her neck. And he could feel her struggle against him. He didn't budge as he sank his teeth in deeper, tasting her. Her taste surprised him. She was sweety like the damp morning mist. And he wanted more. His tongue trailed her skin. A tremble went through her body and heat started to rise in his. As he sucked her skin and went down to her collar bone. "Can't... breath.." She finally got out and he snapped out of it lifting himself up on his knees and hands. Her face was bright red and she was sweating badly. His own chest was heaving badly as well. When did that happen? He cleared his throat. "Okay, no drugs. But I need your word you will not run again." She looked at him for a moment then she nodded. They then somehow got out of the thorn bushes and he got the thorns out of her. When only a view thorns remain she passed out. She finally has reached her limit. with a sigh he picked her up and carried her back to the camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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