Open Doors

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Adpoted. Great. Fourteen years ago they placed me in this dump of a foster home at the age of two, and now someone wants to adopt me. I'm almost an adult! "Remiii!" bellowed Mrs.Shou, my foster mom from China. "Coming." I yell back as I pull my black suitcase down the hall into the living room. "So sad to see you go, sweet heart." she says as she hugs me, tears in her eyes. My foster brother, Connor, who's also sixteen, comes into the living room. He blushes as I embrace him, then sobs into my brown leather jacket. Mr. Shou shakes my hand as he pushes me out of the door. I never really liked him.

"Oh Remi!" calls Mrs.Shou as she runs after me. "I almost forgot! Here's your everything-you-need-to-know-about-Remi binder I made for your new parents!" she said cheerfully as she placed a big heavy binder with my picture on the front in my hands. "Now Remi, this taxi will take you to the O'Hare airport, where you'll fly to Wyoming, take a bus to Cheyanne Airport, where you''ll take a plane to Tri-Cities Airport in Washington. then take a bus to Aberdeen Gardens, which by the way didn't even make the map!"  "Ok Mrs. Shou, I promise I'll be safe I call as I jump into the taxi. Se calls something after me, but I don't know what. the drivers starts the car and we're gone. Bye sunny Chicago, hello gloomy Aberdeen Gardens. 

I get board halfway though the trip and look at the book about me. I wonder where she finds this stuff out!

Name: Remilia London Binari

Birthdate: January 9th, 1996

Hair Color: Chalky white

Skin Color: Ivory

Eye Color: Grey

Favorite Food: White Rice (the sticky kind)

Favorite Color: Black and Dark Violet (she says they suit her...)

Favorite Animal:  Cat (she has always wanted a fluffy black one with yellow eyes!!!) 

Medical Conditions: Aphenphosmphobia, Autophobia, Chronomentrophobia, Lygophobia 

It went on for pages and pages of my history and do's and don'ts . It kinda creeped me out that she knew all this, and she decribed it so different from how I would. I closed my eyes and thought of how exactly I would...

My name is Remilia London Binari, but please just call me Remi. I am sixteen years old. I have pale skin, light grey eyes, and soft, pale, bloodless white hair. My parents were crazy. They tried to kill me, but they oly killed themselves. I moved in with the Shou family when I was two years old. They rasied me as their own. My favorite food is sticky white rice, and my favorite colors are dark violet and black. They suit me. I've always wanted a cat with luminous, yellow eyes that almost glow in the dark, and a black fluffy coat. I like stuff made out of leather, and I 'm always cold. I am afraid of being touched, thunder and lightning, clocks, and darkness. I am quiet, a good reader, and like to be left alone... 

"Kid. Hey. Kid? HEY! KID! HEY KID WE'RE HERE!" shouted the driver. "Huh?" "We're at O'Hare." I must have fallen asleep.

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