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{No ones point of view}

The frail boy wakes up, all alone. Still tied up, and in darkness. He is starving and and can't really think straight, in fact he looks quite sick. He is pale and his already small body looks, NO IS, smaller. He just lays there, looking blankly at the ceiling, to tired and weak to sit up. He hasn't eaten in four days, his clothes are visibly to big for him, even with a belt on his waist his skinny jeans might fall if he stands. With no energy he can't even move his head so instead he slowly closes his eyes again and falls asleep with one thought

"This might be my end."

The beautiful male that had the small boy captive watch him through his computer, even though the video is low quality and in black and white, he can see the petite's suffering.

His heart clenched, he stands up and heads to his wine cellar. Once he unlocks the door, he sees the frail boy just lying there. He approached the boy and unlocked the chains that restrained the boys feet. Then the young man picked up the boy, who even though they shared age the boy looked years younger due to his small body. The boy felt like air in the mans arms.

The young man walked to one of his many beautiful rooms and stops at a room that was specially made just for the frail boy, but the Young man would never admit that he put his time and effort just for the boy.

He opened the door and then placed the boy on a bed that felt like clouds. Then he left the ill sleeping beauty and got the boy a proper meal, carrying it on a tray.

He comes back to the lush room, and places the warm food tray on the bed. He sat next to Sunyoul, slowly shaking the boy awake. "Hey wake up you need to eat" spoke the young man in a soft voice, to not scare the frail boy.

Sunyoul's Point of view

I slowly regain consciousness, The beautiful voice is telling me to wake up. I feel him get closer, and I open my eyes and squint at the bright light, when my vision gets clear I see the beautiful face that belongs to the harmonious voice.

"Sit up a little" says the man slowly pushing me up. He puts a tray over my legs. And sits closer, and I immediately move back.

"Stop it. I am here to feed you, I can't let my possible profit die." He roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me closer. Then he looks down at the bowl of steaming soup, picks up the spoon, and blows on the spoonful of soup then he brings it close to my mouth. He continues feeding me, until I stop opening my mouth.

"I am full already"

"How can you be full if you have eaten less then half! The bowl still looks pretty full"

"But I feel like I can't eat anymore!"

"Yeah, You feel like it but you don't look like it! . . . . I know you haven't eaten so much it kinda hard to eat this much, but at least eat two more spoonfuls" I comply and open my mouth painfully swallowing the last spoons of soup. I look at him he is quite good looking, and young. Even though I can't see the room,I know it's probably expensive, after all the bed feels like heaven.

He stands up and moves aways from the bed, squinting my eyes to get a clearer vision, I see him place the food tray on a beautiful dark wood desk. Then comes back and extends his arm. I look down at his hand, afraid that he was going to hit me.

"I am not going to hit you, Come on you need to wash up, have you seen how dirty you are?" I guess he's right I even feel filthy. I nod, turning my legs to the edge of the bed, and then I grab his hand. It's pretty obvious I am to weak to even walk, so he pulls me of the bed and I painfully land on my feet.

He doesn't even care about my pain: He pulls me to the bathroom that is attached to the room. It was bright white and it the floor felt warm. It was big and since I couldn't see clearly everything blended with each other. I could see pops cobalt blue in the towels, rugs, and curtains that cover the beautiful full moon.


The Young man distracts my thoughts, I look up at him shocked.

"Umm. . . But your in here"

"Well obviously this, is MY house"

"No I mean your here in the bathroom."

"What do you expect me to leave?"

"Well yeah" I flinched as he lifts his hand, he looks at me and puts it back down.

"I am not going anywhere, you can't even stand . . . So hurry up or else I will undress you"

He moves back giving me space. Then I reluctantly take of my sweater, my belt, my shirt, and hold onto the counter as I take of my pants. Even more reluctant and embarrassed I take of my boxers. And leave them all on top of the counter.

Then he comes close to me and leads me to a tub, I squint my eyes again and noticed that it was already filled and it even had bubbles.

"Get in I will be right back." He says, and waits until I get in the tub, then he leaves the bathroom leaving the door open behind him. I close my eyes, due to the fact that my head is starting to hurt from all the squinting.

In complete honesty, today the man feels as if he turned into a  completely different person, he is not as cruel. But he's still evil after all he did abduct me.

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