Chapter 2

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He walked me to a huge estate.
"You... You live here?"
"Yes Y/N, it's my masters, however he allows me to live with him, since I'm his butler"
"That's pretty great. I only live in a small cottage with my-On my own.. Now.."
"You poor lady..." He held my hand and squeezed it tightly, I let him of course, I needed the comfort, I won't lie. He leads me into the manor.
"Hannah!" He shouts, then we see a girl with pastel purple hair come down the stairs.
"Yes Claude"
"Can you please set a room up for our guest."
"Yes of course."
She runs back up the winding staircase, rushing quite quickly. Claude lead me to the kitchen, it looked lovely with all of the marble countertops.

After about 10 minutes of me and Claude chatting, Hannah cake and lead me to my room alone.
"May I ask ma'am but you seem to have a liking for the head butler?"
"No no. We've only just met, however, he does seem very nice!"
She does a small laugh.
"You'll day that for now my dear. For now anyway."
She walks out and I'm left to sit on a huge, silk bed. It was really lovely. I ended up lying down, shutting my eyes, still in my dress, it was uncomfortable but I was so tired. I couldn't help falling asleep.

Claude's POV
Wow... That girl... Y/N... Such a pretty name, for a pretty girl. Just seeing her makes me smile. I walked upstairs, to see if she was alright, I knocked, and no answer, I opened the door very slightly, to see her sleeping silently. She looked very adorable to say the least. She did however, look uncomfortable in that dress... The corset looked so very tight... To be polite, I undid it and looked away as I put her in a nightgown. I did blush when I saw her.... But I did it for her comfort. I'm not a pervert.

After I'd finished, I kissed her on her forehead and slowly tiptoed out the room.
"Sweet dreams sweet Y/N"

I woke up and didn't want to get up. I was so comfortable I could keep sleeping. But... I had a nightgown on? I thought I....
I saw my green dress hanging up and slipped it on my body, making sure to tighten the corset as I didn't like my figure at all. I tightened it and fixed my hair, with its bouncy H/C curls.
I heard a gentle knock on the door.
"Y/N... Are you awake?"
"Yes come in!" I said that very happily, as I'd had such a good sleep.

He walked in slowly, with a tray of tea and two pancakes.
"I brought you some breakfast, if you don't like it you don't have to eat it..."
I was at a loss for words, he gave up his time to help an almost-stranger.
"I'm sure I'll like it, thank you so much!!!"
He did smile at that comment, and dare I say, it was a very handsome smile.
After I'd finished I sat in amazement, they were delicious!!!
"That was amazing Claude!"
He did a small chuckle,
"I'm glad you liked it Y/N"
The way he said my name made my face feel quite hot, his voice, appearance and manner was very adequate, but he wasn't a snob. And I like that about him.

Claude's POV
How is she so pretty... Her smile, the way she eats, her laugh, her body even without the corset. She's amazing... I really wish she knew about me... But she's only a human... I'd scare her if she knew...

"Claude.. I wonder, how on earth are you so good at cooking?!" She laughs and I'm relieved that she didn't ask something else....
"Haha. Natural talent I guess." I winked at her playfully, because I wanted to see that adorable blush again, which I did.

We sat and talked for almost an hour, when that brat Alois called my name...
I sighed, and looked at Y/N
"I'll be back soon..."
She gave a sad face, but waved as I walked out and to Alois.

"A friend of mine... She will do no harm your highness.. I swear to you."
"If she's going to stay then she'll work for me Claude."
I looked at him as if I was stupid, he slapped me square in the face, knocking my glasses off.
"S-sorry your highness..."
I only stuttered because I wanted to say something else. Is his soul really worth it?
I helped him get his papers sorted out then I left the room to go and tell Y/N what the snobby brat said.
I don't want her to get hurt here..

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