Ghost au

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There's been a lot of activity recently. Though the house is old and creaky in places, a family moved in. The house was probably foreclosed and sold much cheaper than the original price. Also to add to that, there was still various trash and old furniture scattered around that was left by the previous owner and temporary homeless looking for shelter.

All this renovation and family noise had woken up a sleeping ghost, Fukase. He had vauge memory of the past, but thought his lack of physical liveliness might be in someway related to the large scar on his left side.

Day after day, he learned a little more about the family. They had three kids, two boys and a girl; Oliver, the other had name too odd to remember, and Ruby. The couples names were Ann and Al, which he thought would look cute in a heart.

They all ate dinner together every night without fail, which part of him felt odd about, but he didn't dislike it. It felt nice. They talked about this and that; Ruby's soccer practice, something funny that happened in Oliver's class, and Yohio (the older brother who's name Fukase finally remembered) said something about robots that the ghost didn't understand. Ann told a story that happened at work, and Al inciting a conversation on different colors of paint to use in the kitchen. Fukase found himself attentive whenever they talked about renovations, he was interested. Even though he couldn't talk to the family and they didn't know he was there, he didn't feel lonely. Sometimes he smiled and laughed along with them.

After some time, Fukase felt he had something to owe and began to help around the house. This was also around when he learned how to move objects, so he used this new ability for selflessness. Ann misplaced her keys? Fukase searched and moved them to the kitchen counter. Yohio forgot his lunch? Move his lunchbox from the fridge to the front door. Ruby over slept? Knock a book off a shelf to make noise to wake her up. Each individual family member started to notice these strange things happening, but kept it to themselves.

There was a step on the stairs that was particularly weak and would creak whenever someone stepped on it. Oliver was rushing down the stairs one day, for some reason Fukase didn't know about, and the step gave out from under him. It was an odd feeling for Oliver, floating. Al was in the living room at the time, and witnessed this abnormality.

That night Ann and Al discused these strange happenings. Things being moved, lost, pushed. They searched into the history of the house, and Fukase discovered his death was by murder. The family couldn't move due to financial situations. They've put so much effort and time into this house already. Ann and Al aggreed to endure this fact. Ghosts didn't really exist did they?

The next day, Al bought a cross and hung it over the front door. He also began working on the steps to repair them. Fukase felt guilty, scaring them like that. He didn't mean to of course, he just didn't want Oliver to get hurt. Speaking of which, Oliver had been noticeably quiet recently. He would shift his eyes, check behind him, and almost tiptoe when it got late. He appeared in deep thought sometimes. Even with Ann's worry and consultation he insisted he was fine, but remained quiet. Not just Oliver, but the whole family seemed on high end. Oliver had just gotten it worse. Fukase felt horribly guilty. He desided he would stop trying to help.

That desision didn't last long, though. He felt bad, but wanted to make up for it somehow. He eased up on doing anything too drastic, but now the problem was to figure out how to make up for- well, lots of things. As fukase thought through about what to do, Oliver did some research himself.

Oliver googled and watched videos about the paranormal almost to the point of an obsession. He tried to keep this a secret from the rest of his family, thinking his mom would only express more concern, and being judged by Yohio was the worst. The brothers got along well most times and had the best relationship, but the rare occasions when they didn't were awkward, almost painfully.

Oliver and Fukase in: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now