Ghost AU part 4

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As of February 3rd, this fic is ranked #4 in the olikase tag.

*Maui voice* "what can I say except AAAAAA"

Oliver woke up tired and cold. As per Ann's instructions, Yohio set an alarm for 4am to help his brother apply eyedrops. Although, usually a person doesn't feel helped when they wake up and see a shadowy mass hanging over them. Usually, they feel threatened. Oliver didn't feel tired anymore as adrenaline kicked his brain, making him kick his brother in the side. Yohio went down with a grunt.

"What the heck?!" Oliver cursed at him, but he didn't use the word 'heck'.

"What the heck?!" Yohio cursed right back at him. He staggered to his feet, then realized he dropped the medicine. Frantic to find it, he didn't question when it rolled out from under the bed, just relieved to have it back in possession.

During that ordeal, Oliver remembered being wakened up at midnight for medicine and was not happy to have to take eyedrops again. Yohio looked up to see a sour expression. The brothers glared at eachother, familiar with their behavior long enough to know this was just the stand off to the fight. Yohio debated actually getting physical since it was freaking 4am, but Oliver was prepared to resist with the amount of stubborness only a younger sibling could have.

Yohio lunged first, wrapping his arm around the others head. Oliver twisted his body into the mattress and pushed against the arm. Yohio grabbed a fistful if hair and yanked back, forcing Oliver's eyes and mouth open as he yelped into a stunned position. It wasn't enough force to hurt, but to shock. Yohio took the chance to push his shin into the youngest hip. He grinned in victory. Oliver realized he lost this battle and rubbed his scalp.

Even with Yohio holding the youngest by the chin, Oliver's head felt paralyzed and ears cold. He saw a blur of red at the top of his vision and figured that, sooner or later, he needed to question it. Then it hit him harder than the cold eyedrop. He had completely forgotten about the ouija board conversation. He remembered that he forgot to write 'GOODBYE' and was likely cursed or haunted because of that. Wait a minute, did he loose his eye because of the curse?! He felt the need to hit a certain red smudge. What was it's name again?

Oliver held the new patch in place as Yohio taped it. The older yawned and colapsed on his bed on the other side of the room. The younger had a knot of emotions to untangle. Well, he should but instead mulled over them. Fukase watched him, unaware of the boys newfound anger towards him.

SeeU stopped by that morning before school to chat with Oliver and see how he was doing.

"It's kinda sore, and it's weird not having depth perception, but I guess this is my life now," Oliver accepted.

"That's good," SeeU sighed, happy her friend wasn't writhing in agony. "Ritsu wanted to say he was sorry."

Oliver perked up, "oh yeah I forgot about him," he then remembered the frisbee game "hey if anything, that was a pretty intense game of frisbee," he chuckled, trying to look on the bright side so his friend wouldn't worry. "Wait, you're talking to him now?"

SeeU  didn't want to seem like she was siding with a villain, so she explained "oh, no! He just came up to me and asked me to deliver the message." In truth, they had started talking and found out they both listened to kpop; most friendships begin with shared interests after all, and Ritsu appeared sincerely remorseful.

SeeU was also tasked with giving Oliver the assignments he missed, which he claimed was "total lame sauce", and she went on her way before she was late for school.

Ann stayed home to watch over Oliver that day. She was looking over financial papers in the dinning room while Oliver made little progress on the science worksheet in the living room. He took a brake and curiously turn on the tv to see what kind of shows were on daytime television. Something about cheating couples fist fighting in a warehouse.

As the crowd chanted the show hosts name, Fukase flew threw the wall and jumped on the couch. "Jesus Christ!" yelped Oliver.

"'Chris cheats with sister and proposes'. Oh this sounds like a mess," Fukase read the tag line out loud and leaned forward attentively.

"The ghost likes trash tv," Oliver exhaled in disbelief, his heard ready to jump out of his chest.

"Huh?" Fukase turned to him, not used to being addressed to, "o-oh! Well, there's not much else to do during the day, so..." he felt embarrassed. His first proper face-to-face interaction in so long and he was being judged. In the other room, Ann was trying to solve the mystery of why the cable bill had gone up. "Uh, hows your eye?" He tried to make conversation.

"Uh, good?" Oliver went with a generic answer, not wanting to get too familiar. "What was your name again?"


"Right. I'm Oliver."

"I know."

Way to make it awkward. Though to be honest, Fukases conversation skills hadn't been put to use in a long time.

Oliver pondered how he could change the topic to the curse, if it existed at all. He couldn't just say 'hey, could you stop haunting me?' Without making it awkward and potentially dangerous. You can't call 911 on a ghost if things go south. Who ya gonna call? Not the cops.

They watched the tv in silence, the studio audience not so much. The crowd chanting the hosts name again as security guards separated two women on stage.



This has been in drafts for months.
Fixed some stuff and impulsive chapter drop.

The show Jerry Springer is so stupid and entertaining

Oliver and Fukase in: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now