In which Oliver just Gushes about Fukase

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Anxious and endearing, what's not to like? He usually stands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do with his body in space. I know it's uncomfortable for him but I just can't help finding it endearing.

He's tense in social situations, too. With his mouth in a crooked grin. Have you ever seen Fukases genuine smile? Good lord, it's like the Big Bang. It's so smooth... ahh I really wanna kiss him now.

About the anxious part again, it's not like I'm picking at him or anything. It's more like, well, this is a weird analogy but, like a proud parent whose child overcame their fear of the dark. Fukase is not one to take initiative, but when he does, I feel so proud of him!

I don't think I've ever taken prise in my odd eye until we met, it was the icebreaker that got us talking to eachother. Something that we had in common. I also admired Fukase for not hiding his eye. I always thought I had to cover my eye because, well, my parents got me to. Something about social convention, since it's rude to show off gross body parts. But here's Fukase, showing off. That was my first impression of him, as someone brave. Even though he's said otherwise, "I'm too nervous to be brave like that", but you can be nervous and courageous at the same time!  And that's what he does!

He actually inspired me to become comfortable with my own scars on my knee and ankle, too. He's the only person outside my family I've ever shown my whole face to. I don't remember the whole conversation, but it was really fun and intimate.

Actually, I don't know how I came to love him in the first place, and that mystery drew me in even more. I thought "how the heck did you do that?" as he continued to amaze me.

Been long enough hasn't it. As of uhhh June 12 2019 I have 2 drafts for this collection. This was something quick to make up for the long break. I wonder if we'll get Fukases version of gushing

Oliver and Fukase in: OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon