Who Am I?

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A spoken word poem

When you ask me who I am

I will tell you this:

I am a little bit of everything

Shoved into a whole lot of nothing

I am Guilt and I am Pain

I am Depression and I am Anxiety

I am a world of Agony

Dying to escape, longing to go Home

Knowing this is not where I belong

Wishing only to be loved

I struggle to survive in the expectations of society

Because I am not the world's definition of beauty

Because I cannot fit into the mold that was set for me

When you ask me who I am, 

I might not answer

I don't always know who I am

I am two sides of the most ragged stone in history

I am the most energetic person you will ever meet

I am empty and exhausted constantly

And I have been through living hell by choice

I am more than who I appear to be

I am not the creation of my history

I am old and new, battered and bruised

But I am not through

When you ask me who I am I may not know the answer

But I am finding out every day

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