So yeah

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Laura : can we not talk about this , it's over with

Stormie : here's a deal we take the kids and give you day off to think about everything and calls when u wanna talk

Laura : deal ( runs up)

Ellen : let's go

The kids run out

Maia: I'm gonna talk to her

Ross: can I go first ( runs up)

With Laura

Laura p.o.v

Why me huh why . so am eating baby food and watching notebook . then I hear so body coming up stairs oh god
. Can guess who it is ........ you guessed right ross lynch .

Me: what do you want ( turns to her side )

Ross : to talk to you

Me : here you little slut ( throws his boxers and bra on the ground)

Ross: whatever she's better then you

Me : first you lose Callie and Jude then have 'it' with some girl ( walks away )

Ross: you can't walk away forever ( flops on the bed on his phone )

Me : for you I can

Maia : knock knock ( walks in)

Me : hey Maia can we talk ( closes the door behind me )

Maia : what do you wanna talk about

Me : will i was thinking the girls can sleep in her and ross in the garage
( happy)

Maia : that's not nice ( cross her arms)

Me : fine

Maia : what do you really wanna talk about

Me : will I want some advise on what to do with this whole me ross living together and me not talking to him and trusting him with any soul

Maia : first thing tomorrow all of us meaning the girls are having a day out to see what their advise are but mine is just flow with it

Me : kk let's me get changed and call maddy and debby to see when there coming ( runs in the room)

Maia : this girl ( walks away smiling shaking her head )

End of p.o.v

Down stairs

Austin : how is she

Maia : okay

Tony : help me set up ( whines)

Corey : baby

Mike : MAIA !

Maia runs

Maia : What

Mike : hi ( chuckles)

Maia slaps him

Austin : so is Laura coming Down

Maia : yass( knocks over Tonys fort )

Tony : you little

Maia : grrr( pretend to be a lion)

Tony : I can do that too grr


Austin opens it

Maddy: jello

Austin : what

Debby : it means hello

Austin: cool come in ( moves out the way)

Up stairs

Laura sing fancy and the dance moves

Ross: why do you look so good ( bites his lips )

Laura : I'm to fancy for you ( changing

Ross: fancy people can get dirty right ( licks his lips moves closers )

Laura : bye jerk ( walks to the door)

Ross : not so fast ( has are on the door )

Laura : if you don't move

Ross : kiss ,babe ( pout face )


Then in 1.1 sec the door is busted open causing both ross and Laura fly on the floor

Maia : we're ( fangirling looking everywhere )

Maddy : where the Bae ( fangirling )

Mike : right here ( puts his arm around her waist )

Ross: sup (on top of Laura )

Laura : get off me little boy ( pushes him )

Maia: here or living room

Girls: living room

Austin : break her u will die

Ross : got it ( arms in defenses )

Corey : how about we bother then

Austin : I'm in but get the person u want

They walk down and watch the girls paint there nails

Maia : so maddy are u and mike a thing

Maddy : Waaaattt noooo

They stair at her like she crazy

Laura : don't mess with me

Debby : let's have a fashion show

Girls : yay

Guys : yes ( jump on the floor )

Maia : who's first ( blow here nails )

Laura giggles hiding

Maddy : Laura baby what in the two freaks are u doing

Ross: looking at pics of me

Laura comes out with frosting on her face

Maia: did you just eat my cupcake (mad)

Austin : Runnnnnnnnn

Laura laughs run and jumps on the boys

Laura : I'm sorry mama

Maia : tomorrow u gonna bake me a cupcake ( cross her arms )

Laura :whipping her lips and sits on ross and mike legs

Corey : Fashion show people

Debby : kk I am going first ( runs up to get dressed)

Ross: hey Bae ( holding her waist )

Laura walks away

The guys laugh

Ross: let's see u getting your girls

Guys ....

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