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Laura : we should tell your parent that theirs a baby

Ross: true let's go

They walk next door

Bang bang

Mark : hey kids

L&R : hey

Mark : come on in

Moves out the way

Laura : where's Maia

Mark : up stairs

Laura : I'm gonna say hi

Walks up stairs

Ross: where's mom

Mark : kitchen

Stormie : oh hi rossycakes

Ross: we need a family meeting

Stormie sits down

Maia : what do you guys need

Sits next to stormie

Laura: will Maia how do feel about having a niece or nephew?

Maia : OMG it's awesome

Starts scarming in joy


Ross: noooo we didn't do "it"
She got kidnapped and got raped

Stormie : I'm so so sorry Laura we didn't know

Laura : it's okay

Maia : hi baby

Rubbing Laura's belly

Laura giggles

Ross: will we got to go and Laura needs some rest

Maia : I want to come

Look at ross with anger

Ross: right over here is ower car

Laura : bye guys


S&M : bye

The gang leaves

In the car ride

Ross: where here

Laura sound alseep

Maia : Laura !

Shakes her

Laura : I'm up gosh

Gets out the car

Ross : grumpy much

They get out

Laura's pov

I'm so sleepy I walked upstairs and got my dairy

Dear dairy

Day one of carrying a life in my belly . I'm not mad or anything I'm just not feeling any emotion . will I do get mad easily.

I hear is another heart beat go boom ...boom

It feels nice to have a baby but at the same time I'm 18 I got college on the way

Sorry I need some sleep

Love Laura :) :|

With Maia and Ross

Maia : how do you feel about Laura having a baby that's not yours

Ross: mad and sad but it's gonna be mines so

Maia : can I have Laura's cookies

Ross: sure I guess

Maia: yea goes and eats the jar

2 hours later ross and Maia ate Laura's food


Ross: oh hey


Maia : what is the yelling for

Eating a cookie and walks past Laura half sleep

Laura : whatever (sits on the coach and lays on ross)

Ross: anyways what you wanna do all day

Pecks her

Laura: sleep ,eat

Maia : lazy butt

Ross: Maia go somewhere

Maia : fine I'm in your room sleeping

Walks away

Ross: so babe

Laura : hold the phone you started this why you think I like you

Sits up on his lap

Ross: I got to earn it
Don't i

Laura : yup

Makes a p sound

Ross : babyyyyy


Laura : I know I have one in my belly

Kisses him

Ross deepens it

Laura pulls away

Ross: stop doing that gosh

He got hard

Laura : I feel that


Ross : whatever

Laura : ugh we have school tomorrow

Ross: and I have to see josh


Laura: hey he's my friend


Ross: meanie

Laura : you need a job
In 9 months I can't dance

Ross: true but it's to hard

Laura : is this coach hard

Ross: it's soft why

Laura : cuz your sleeping on it tonight

Ross: no


Laura : or you can get my tablet in from the bed


Ross: your so lazy when I come done me and the baby in to have a talk

Puts Laura next to her and runs up stairs


Will I got some news
I got into some bad grades in my report card and I took my phone just for you I might get in more trouble but I'm doing it for you

Love ya 😘😏

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