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I woke up the next day feeling like complete shit honestly I felt reassured that Shawn wouldn't run into my parents because they should be gone for another five to six days but I knew eventually he would see them and I really don't want to be there when it happens. I haven't heard from him at all since last night and I'm worried what if he has told Aaliyah and now she doesn't want to be my friend.

As I got ready for school I heard a knock at the door I ran down stairs to open the door to the one and only Aaliyah. Great she has never come here in the morning ever and we've been friends for years so that could only mean one thing Shawn told her now she hates me and won't want to be my friend.

"Aaliyah what's up your never here in the morning?" I tried to say with a confused look on my face even though I was dying inside

"Hey morning to you too yeah Shawn insisted I should walk to school this morning because he can't drive me because he is lazy and he told me I should walk with you, strange but I'm not complaining about walking to school with my best friend so what do you say will you walk to school with me?"

This sounded so suspicious but at least Aaliyah didn't know and what could be the harm in walking to school. Unless she knows and starts bringing it up.

"Hello earth to Laura" she said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah sure let me go grab my bag" I said walking back inside
As I grab my bag and phone i walk out the door Aaliyah starts talking about the main things like parties and school she told me one of the most popular boys is theorising a party and were invited I didn't see the harm in going.

"So you coming to the party or not" she said begging me like a puppy

"When is it? only because I have to tell my tutor not to come over when it is" I said

"Oh yeah it's Umm next week Friday"

"My parents will be back then so hopefully they will let me go" I said smiling
Our conversation it didn't seem to worry me too much until she started talking about boys.

"Oi so do you have you eye on anyone maybe you can get together at the party?" She said while nudging my shoulder

"No" I really wish I could tell her about Shawn.

"Come on you only say no so bluntly when you have a man tell me" now we were linking arms

"What no I don't and I'm not interested in anyone I just want to be single right now"  Even I know that's not true I want Shawn but I don't know if he still wants me

"Okay well I'll find you someone and.."

Just as she was about to speak again a car pulled up beside us then the window slowly rolled down great just when I thought this couldn't get any worst it was Shawn.

"Hey get in I'll drive you the rest of the way" he said with the biggest smirk on his face. Aaliyah jumper in the back and I went to as well when she closed the door and locked it.

"Your a guest get in the front you goof" she said while laughing. Great this day was just great.
As I jumped in the front seat it hit me he planned this he told Aaliyah to walk so he could pick us up I really didn't want to face Shawn but he clearly forced his way in my life today. For the rest of the trip I sat silently he tried to place his hand on my thigh slowly moving it up my inner leg when Aaliyah was looking at her phone why did he have to do this to me but before Aaliyah saw anything I shrugged him off.

We finally got to school and Aaliyah jumped out of the car to go hug our other friend Clara. I tried to jump out but Shawn locked the door.
I let out a loud sigh hoping he would know I wasn't impressed but he went to move his hand back on my leg.

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