Fav memory (characters)

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You guys were at the cliff with the entire group, and he was watching you undress and you had caught him so hurried to take your clothes off and jumped off and flipped him off on the way down.

The one time you tried to read the ingredients in his medicine, that didn't turn out well cause it seems that only the doctors can pronounce them correctly.

You helped him study for reading the Torah even though you can't read it. You had mostly admired the art on the walls and Stan too.

When you protected Ben from your older brother Victor and his friends. They messed with him a lot, so you intervened a lot.

You had slapped her father for treating her the way he does, nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

Nobody wanted to go to the sewers to look for his missing little brother with him, so you had volunteered and you two went together.

Mike had asked for some help with some homework, and you were the only person that he thought could help. So you had helped, but it ended up taking too long and he had little time to do his chores, so you had helped to get them done faster.

(Edited August 8th 2021)

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