The bus ride

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Imagine this scene. You have an important exam on a Sunday afternoon in the mid of Summer. Bearable? Fine!

Add this to that scene. You have to get to that place which is four hours away from your home in some random loacal bus with so many annoying passengers with you.

Yay man! Such an awesome life! Like seriously.

Oh God! Why me? WHY ME???

Now. In this frustrating summer, I go there all tired and shit to write that exam. Fine. Somehow I manage but then as I walk through that place, with that scorching heat falling on me when I am all dehydrated and without food, I realize how stupid this idea was to go to that place for writing that exam. Especially one which wasn't compulsory. Sigh. Great person that I am!

The exam? Well, don't talk about it. It sucked.

And then back to the journey. Now it's evening. Comparatively a better weather though. But again I have to wait for another hour until the bus starts. Yay life.

The journey back to home starts. At least a little cold wind flows through the windows. Thank God!

What with all that tiring day, I fall asleep after some time. Oh wait. Don't forget my dear friend, this is a local bus.... For the first and last hour of the journey, it stops every five minutes for any random person to board or leave the bus. That was one part of the annoying shit. The other annoying part? There is a mother sitting beside me with her daughter. The kid must have been three or four years old. And you should know that I do not like kids. At all. The kid was quiet in the starting, so I thought. 'Okay, finally someone up there pities me and thus the kid is not annoying.'

I spoke too soon.

One hour into the journey, and ten minutes into my deep sleep, this happens...

The "sweet" kid next to me starts wailing. WAILING!!! And not just the usual wailing, the one with such a high pitch that it can break a glass and also my ear drums.

Okay maybe not break my ear drums but at least damage them, to the highest possible extent. Man! Kids have such awesome talents!

Damn. My day officially sucks! God must be hating me for some reason.

Now I can't fall asleep at all and devoid of anything to do I listen to music and look outside the window and wow! What I see is such an amazing scenery. The sun was almost setting with some lake in far distance. The gorgeous green trees with their own fifty shades of green, lining the roads as the wheels roll by. The clouds in the sky showing off their beautiful blue colour and the birds chirping and fluttering by in flocks and maybe going back to their homes. It was so wonderful and fantastic.

Okay we might have seen this scene a few times but believe me, it never gets too old. Just looking at it makes you feel so peaceful and relaxed. Even after some stressful or tiring day, it has the capability of keeping you at peace and calm. It is so fabulous!

Seriously person, if you are ever depressed or sad, going out and just looking at this wonderful nature makes you feel so much better. Away from all the city noise and pollution, into this wonderful world. Whoa man!

So, after that my day didn't suck that bad, now did it?

Reminds me of a lesson we always heard. There's good in everything and.... "It goes on".

Bad or good. Anything in life, it goes on. And in all those bad things that I thought were happening to me on that day, it did after all end with such a beautiful thing. Thank God for that.

And after I see the amazing sunset, I fall asleep again. Come on man! A lazy bum like me needs her sleep. Oh! Speaking of bum, my bums ached like shit after sitting for so long. Sigh. I have to start excercising again.

LOL, who am I kidding, I'm not gonna start excercising soon. Bleh. It's still good being the awesome fat ass that I am! Ha-ha.

Kay well, that's it of the story.

What? Now you need my whole life history, geography and chemistry? Nah man! Go back to work aka, sleep.

Kbyeee!!! *winks* (cause, why not?) *winks again*

P.S: Stay safe and try looking at the good side of everything. Try.

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