chapter 3

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Returning from unsuccessful gig was very depressing for Mike. He was feeling like pathetic loser who couldn't do anything properly.

He came back to his car. It wasn't in a good shape, but Mike didn't care so much about that. The only thing that did really matter for him was earning some money and maybe eating something fresh.

He found that loaf of bread he had bought few hours ago and then left in his trunk before going to pub. It was a bit stale, but hey, who doesn't like outdated food? At least it was food and Mike was pleased with that.

The little piece of meal tasted like heaven for someone who hasn't eaten in two days. Chewing slowly Mike was imagining his big career, people respecting his work, crowd of fans singing songs he wrote, being able to buy everything he wants, having a big house, just being famous, rich and happy.

He looked at reflection of his face in the window and sighed heavily. He was so far away from his home, broken, sad and lonely.

He didn't really have any place to go. Of course, he had his old car in which he slept, but it wasn't the same. He wanted to come back to his family, work with his father in a factory, go to college and live like a normal young man. His parents weren't glad that their oldest son is leaving them for money and fame. They didn't believe in his big talent and image of Mike, the silent and grumpy boy, dealing with the difficult music business, seemed unreal for them.

And he felt bad because they were right. But he wasn't going to come home and ask for new start.

So he decided to try once more, in a different place, with different people.

But was that the life he really wanted?


hello guys, it's been a long long time haha

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