Day 1: Ash

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7:30~ So uh. I'm on the bus, or was on the bus depending when you read this. I'll just be speaking past tense oof. It's kind of like a Diary I guess. But gayer. And... Everybody knows. Anyways, I was on the bus, the sixth graders were being loud and annoying, and the eighth graders bullying people. Seventh graders are neutral btw, sometimes loud, sometimes rude, or, like me, quiet, as I've always been. (Lol just picture commas as small pauses) The Eighth graders bully me for being gay so that's fun, and one girl in sixth grade calls me mean names because I'm gay. I'm in seventh. I honestly hope that my school sets fire and all their valuable things burn. Anyways, I was on the bus and I was just literally writing this the whole time and I don't have because I have no Wi-Fi so I feel very... Eh. (has no words because is gone)

7:55~  I have just arrived at school, I can't really write anything in school so I will write after school about all the stupid drama and fake friends. I think I'll call that a school report.

3:10(after school)~ Today, the only bad things in school were the fact that the boy who likes me and is very annoying to me and I don't like him, screamed my name and kept screaming it and somehow got half the gym class chanting my name. Another was when some people in class were talking about being gay and one said, "No way! I'm not a 'fag' like (insert my birthname here)." and I just sat there dying inside and one kid told me to stop being a 'fag'. So today wasn't great. But the only good thing was I got to see my only guy friend in gym class so yeah. Bye. Love who you love. Be who you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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