chapter 4: oh thank the savior!!

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Yoongi p.o.v

"So yoongs do you like her?"..I just got lost in thoughts. "Yeah..why?" He looked at me and smirked. "I mean more than friends type of way." He says and my eyes widen...I honestly dont know how I feel. So I answered honestly. "I dont know, I am going to go unpack" I say and stand there while he nodded. I started to walk upstairs to my room....

Until I heard a girl screaming for help.

Y/n p.o.v

"HELP PLEASE I DONT WANNA END THIS WAY!!" I screamed. I was honestly terrified.. The person that came in was yoongi. But some how Jimin punched him in the nose which causes his senses to stop working properly and his eyes water which makes him put his hands over his face. And when he did that, Jimin pushed him out and put my dresser in front of the door so no one could come in. I was sitting in a corner, with my knees to my chest while I was shaking. I started praying. "Lord save me, I know I have done wrong but I don't deserve this, no one deserves this." I whispered while my face was a water fall.

He started coming over to me and I started screaming, " NO PLEASE, TELL ME WHY YOU ARE DOING THIS? DONT DO IT, WHAT GOOD WILL COME OUT OF THIS? IT WILL ONLY MAKE ME HATE YOU WAY MORE THAN I DO RIGHT NOW!!!!" I was shaking even more. He stopped walking and looked down at me. He then smirked. "First of all, it will pleasure me. Second, I am doing this because just your looks make me horny...and I can't let yoongi take you from probably don't remember me...we were the best of friends..until you moved back to america..I loved you for longest yet you never felt the same...when I ignored me...and forgot that I was even a living thing in this world. I was heart broken. But're back...and I can finally take you as mine now.." He said petting my hair as he kneeled down in front of me. I saw a tear go down his cheek which caused flashbacks.

*flash back*

"oppa don't you understand? I don't like you like that now leave me alone!" I shouted while he was standing there shaking. A tear went down his cheek. I wiped it. "Hey oppa don't cry just find someone that loves you. find someone better. If you can" I say while I start walking away.

*flash back end*

I was so stupid. So blind. I hurt him. Because I was a stupid kid that didn't understand love. "I-I'm s-sorry.." I say, but it came out as a whisper. More tears started coming out his eyes. I immediately pulled him in a hug. His eyes widened and his face was like mine. A water fall. He was shocked at first but then excepted it and hugged me back. "I missed you so much" I heard him say. I just nodded until I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "Why would you rape me YOU PABO!!!" I said and grabbed his ear, I locked him in closet. I started getting the dresser from my door. Once I was finished, I got Jimin and took him by the ear and went to the living room where all the boys were sitting which worried faces. My feet made a crack against the wood which caused them all to look at me. I shoved Jimin to jin and started scolding them. "UGH NOT EVEN TWO HOURS HERE AND IM IN DANGER, TWO FUCKING HOURS!! YALL NEED TO CONTROL YOUR LITTLE FUCKBOY, CAUSE THIS LIL FUCKBOY TRIED TO RAPE ME!! IF HE DOES IT AGAIN I AM DONE, AND GOING TO LIVE ON THE STREETS!! IF YOU WANT TO TOUCH ME LIL FUCKBOY AT LEAST ASK EVEN THOUGH I WOULD STILL SAY HAIL NAH!!!" they all looked at me shocked, except yoongi, he seemed pissed. I just started walking to the room...I locked myself in my closet...but then....I heard yelling and glass breaking...

"oh. my. Fudging. god. They're fighting. Because of me. Great!"

A/n: heh enjoy this random ass chapter..ig..

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