3. Grey Eyes

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There had been no sign of mystery boy for the past couple days, but only this morning did the moving truck leave.

I noticed it was missing as I aimlessly munched on my Cheerios, still wearing my pyjamas at 11am, my long blonde hair thrown up in a messy bun. My mum and my sister Sophia were out back-to-school shopping and my dad was at work. So with the house to myself, I was planning on spending another couple hours curled up with the dog, watching Netflix. Good God my life was exciting.

It's not even like I could hang out with Katie or Mia. Katie's parents took her on an 'end of summer vaca', and Mia was with her grandparents. And all of my other friends are either in Mexico or Hawaii. Lucky me, I get a nice, relaxing, lonely, freaking boring as hell staycation. Major score on my part.

A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. It was probably my mum coming back because she forgot something. Honestly, I think she might have the memory of a goldfish. I love her but she'd lose her hat if it was on her head. I quickly opened the door without a second thought and started to walk back towards my Cheerios in the kitchen.

"What did you forget this time mum?"

"Sorry love but I'm not your mother."

"Oh fucking shit" I spun around as fast as I possibly could. Only to see the mystery boy leaning against my door frame a slight smirk on his lips and his eyes looking down. Wait why was he looking down...Oh double fucking shit. Remembering my rather risky pj shorts, I untucked the front of my oversized shirt. Even that covered more skin then my shorts. At my actions his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

Deep, shining, grey eyes met my blue ones, as I shamelessly quacked at his perfect features, not to mention the mouthwatering muscles barely contained in his tight black t-shirt. Everything about him screamed trouble and my ovaries just about exploded. My eyes finally made their way back to his beautiful towering ones. He must have been 6'4 and damn do I have a thing for tall guys.

I tried to contain my blush as I saw him wink at me, tried but failed.

"You can keep checking me out if I get to see those lovely legs again," and his english accent...boom...my ovaries are goners.


"Yeah whatever, your face is weird," so smooth Alexis. You dipshit, "Now tell me why you're here before I slam the door on your uneven eyebrows," goddamnit, you almost had it Alexis.

Apparently thinking to myself in third person wasn't helping, so that left me with no option but to mentally stab myself over and over agin. I just can't wait to continue to remember this horribly embarrassing moment for the next 50 years.

"My mum sent me to give you this," he handed me some strange looking cooking tool, "and to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Adams. I'm your new neighbor, but I think you already knew that." His smirk only intensified as if remembering the whole window fiasco.

"Well hi," my voice was like dripping honey, "I'm Alexis Henderson, and your trespassing on my property. So please, kindly, go away."

I closed the door, only to be met with deep laughter coming from the other side. He soon left, probably when he realized I wasn't going to open the door again. I mean sure he was attractive but now I knew that he was an ass and I'd known my fair share of asses. No need for another one. With the strange tool in hand I walked back to the kitchen to finally finish my cereal. What the freaking hell even was this thing.


The sound of keys unlocking the front door and the squeaky chattering voice of Sophia, got me jumping out of bed. I'd been waiting for them ever since that Daniel guy left. In the process, Duke my German Shepard, landed on the ground with a thud.

"Sorry Dukey!" I petted him to make sure he was okay, and to make sure he wasn't mad at me. Darn this stupid human - dog language barrier. I quickly continued to rush down the stairs. I needed some answers.

"Mum, do you happen to have any idea as to why the neighbors son gave me this metal thingy?"

"Honey, that's a garlic press."


"Well don't you already have one? And how did they know to give it to you?"

"I ran into Barbra at the grocery store yesterday and we got to talking. She's a really nice lady and since her family is new to the neighbourhood, I thought it would be a good idea to invite them to dinner on Friday. I need a garlic press for this new recipe that I want to try and she offered to let me borrow hers. And for the record, you were the one to break my press by trying to use it to open a walnut."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that aga-hold on. You invited them over FOR DINNER"

"Yup, but don't worry I was planning on inviting Katie's and Mia's families too. Like a little neighbourly get together," she walked away with a proud smile, leaving me there to cope by myself.

But really how bad could it be?

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