Ten Years...

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I just want to take the time out to thank everyone who gave me feedback on my previous chapter. I got a lot of feedback, and you wouldn't believe how estatic I felt as I read and replied to each comment. I love you guys. Thanks for reading my book so far.

Now back to what you all were waiting for...

"This is good!" I said, taking the headphones off of my ears. I had just finished listening to Wayne's new songs that he was thinking about putting on his album. "It's original. Something new for your fans."

"Thanks," Wayne laughed. This was his third album since he came out, and he didn't want this album to be like the other two. He really wanted to step his game up. So, he decided to come to me for advice.

Basically all I did was listen to the tracks and vote on which ones should go on the album and which ones should not.

I know you guys are wondering what the relationship between Wayne and I are, and no we are not going out. Everyone thinks we should though. Drake and Marilyn (Drake's date at prom) go out and are in a serious relationship.

"So, when are you planning on releasing your album?" I asked.

"Maybe in a few weeks. It depends on my schedule."

"Oh alright. What else are you going to do today?"

"I think this is a wrap. I'll proabably come back next week to choose a few more tracks."

"Okay." I began to pack up my laptop.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Wayne asked as we walked out the door together.

"Nothing really. I don't have any plans."

"You want to chill out or something. Drake supposed to be having a party at his crib." Wayne invited me.

"Oh sure. I'll go. What time does it start?" I asked, unlocking my car door.

"Five," He replied.

"Come pick me up at 4 then," I got put my sunglasses on, hopping into my car.

Once I got home, I showered and changed into some better clothes. (Media)

At four, Wayne pulled up at my house, and we rode together to the party.

Once we got there, the only people there were people from the label, some friends from high school, and Marilyn's family. Wayne and I decided to sit down on the couch in the living room.

"Is this it?" I asked, referring to the amount of people at the party.

"Nah. He said he had an announcement and wanted to tell only certain people. After the announcement, the official party would start and way more people would arrive. " Wayne informed me. He then went into the kitchen, made two drinks, and came back handing me one drink.

I smelled it. "Alcohol?" I asked, not sure if there was any in it.

"Mostly orange juice. There's only a little vodka in it, " Wayne said, taking a sip of it. "Happy? Now you know its not poison." He laughed.

"Shut up!" I laughed, taking a sip of the drink. Wayne and I talked for a little while until Drake called for everyone's attention.

"Good evening everyone. Friends, family, coworkers. Marilyn and I have an announcement to make." Drake started.

"We're getting married!" Marilyn held out her hand, showing off the diamond.

Marilyn's mom began to shout happily and examined the ring. Everyone else smiled and clapped. I had to admit, the ring was beautiful. Probably the most expensive one I had ever seen.

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