Love love love love

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Sometimes I'm good at mulling over my supposed problems, so to counteract that here's some sappy shit for the bf <3


does not seem to be

A big enough word.

I need something





MORE than four small letters

to describe all that I feel for you.


Obsession? Love?

Those two words above

For me are strangely the same

Because I can't name

Anyone else I like to see

or anyone else whose arms I could be

held in so tight

and that makes my heart feel so light

and so inexorably filled

I mean I swear I'd be killed

If I can't go to you

And do

the obsession/love

thing mentioned above.



When you're gone

I curl up on your side

of the bed

and sleep

warmer and happier

than alone.


I visited my sister and her boyfriend

To drink and have fun

and they invited you over

Can't play beer pong two on one!

I was a little nervous

But not too afraid

To meet some college boy

for a drinking game.

But you came in

and I thought 'Shoot!"

and my face got red

because fuck! you were cute.


'Nancy' I said, tipsy enough to flirt.

'Chubby' You said, your sarcasm you can't curb.

We were just friends then; kids who'd just met.

Completely unaware of our futures together yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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