Paranormal Lovers- February 1 Writing Prompt

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Valentina gently taps her finger on her grimoire and uses her finger to scroll down through the page.

"Okay let's see", Valentina mumbles as she adjusts her glasses, "A dash of pink salt".

With a swish of her finger, the container of pink salt floats towards her. She grabs the container, opens the lid, and gently shakes it.

She let's go of the container and silently orders it with a nod to go back to the shelf.

Valentina looks up to see the customer observing his surroundings, his eyes wide filled with a child-like curiosity and bewilderment.

She could not help but smile as she watched him figdet with his fingers. Valentina does not sociate herself with non-magical folk so it's a nice surprise when one ventures into her shop.

"Seven red rose petals", Valentina said picking up seven rose petals from a silver bowl then putting them in the cauldron.

"Next we have-", before she could say anything else the customer stutters, "h-How come you h-hide?"

Valentina lifts her gaze at the customer. By the way his eyes kept shifting and his skin getting a glossy shine from sweat, Valentina eyes shifted from dark brown to magneta and shooting him a disgusted glare.

"Hide? What are you talking about?!", she asks.
The young man slowly backs a way a little and takes a deep breath before he spoke once again, "i-I mean y-you live alone r-right?"

"Yes but many people live alone. I like the safety and seclusion it provides", she replies remaining in her tense position.

"Yeah b-but don't y-you want to g-go out and s-see the world or m-meet new people?", the young man said with a raised eyebrow.

Valentina's eyes changed from magneta to dark brown and her expression shifted from anger to confusion.

She didn't think about it much. The young witch was used to being alone ever since she left home when she turned thirteen.

She shakes her head before her thoughts dug deeper then looks at him. "Let's drop the topic and focus on the subject at hand please", She tells him which he nodded in agreement.

Now where were we? Valentina thought then scrolls down for a little bit before finding the next ingredient There we go!

"A eye of newt", she said as she spins her finger then the jar opens and takes out an eye of newt then it drops into the cauldron.

"Last but not least", Valentina says softly as she reaches into her cloak's pocket and reveals a small vial with sparkly lavender dust, "Fairy dust".

She pulls on the cork and when it's finally opened she tapped on the vial once and puts the cork back on.

She grabs a bottle that is made out of glass with a heart in the middle. Grabs a large ladle, dips it in the glowing coral pink potion, and pours it into the bottle.

"Now there are two ways of transferring the love potion. One is to have him or her drink it. Two can be through eating with the love potion inside it", she explains.

He starts reaching for the bottle but she smacks his hand with the ladle. "Oww!", he yelps.

"Let me finish! Dang you are impatient. Now where was I? Oh yeah", she snarls as she squeezes the lid on tight, "Be careful for this potion is one of the very few dangerous kinds that magic has to offer".

"d-Dangerous?", he asks while fidgeting with his fingers. Valentina nods then replies,"Yes very and did you know that magic comes with a price?"

The young man was silent and shakes his head in response. Valentina smirks Stupid mortal he doesn't even what's he's getting himself into.

"Well think of it as an exchange of sorts, an eye for an-", but she gets interrupted by him when he says, "Oh c-cool like f-Full Metal a-Alchemist".

Valentina raises her eyebrow completely dumbfounded. The young man blushes red as a tomato and says, "u-Umm it's an a-anime and manga. It t-technically s-says in order for it t-to work you m-must have an e-equal exchange. s-Sorry please continue".

Valentina sighs and rolls her eyes. "As I was saying, you need to give me something in return in case the potion backfires. Do you know what I want?", she tells him.

She smirks and her eyes began to sparkle. "What I your soul", she says with a dark smile.

The young man tried to run but her magic froze him in place and suddenly they were standing beside each other.

She tapped the bottle with her icy green nail polished fingernails. "Or you could become my servant for all enterity. The choice is yours or you'll never be able to leave without making a payment, after all that's bad business".

He considered his options. If he chose option one he would have no body but if he chose option two he would be forced to serve this crazy witch forever....either way he is never going to see his friends and family ever again.

"I m-made m-my decision", he replies, "I'll b-become y-your servant".

Valentina's intimidating gaze shifted to a bubbly one. "Wonderful! I've been wanting a new cat my last one ran into the woods and never came back", she says happily, "Come on we shall prepare the ceremony!"

So Valentina lights all of the candles, grabs her silver-bladed dagger, and draws a line on his and her arm.

She cuts her hand then proceeds to cut his and holds their hands firmly together. "Now I Valentina shall vow to keep my end of the deal to let this mortal go if he can find true love in two months and if not he shall become my servant for evermore", Valentina says.

"I Arthur shall vow to keep my end of the deal by finding true love in two months and if not I shall become her servant for evermore", he replies.

The line on their arms begin to glow then to their hands. They let go of each other's hands.

Arthur looks down at his hand then his eyes become wide as saucers at the sight. His hand looked fine as though his hand had never been cut then his eyes travel up to his arm to see the line had vanished.

"Thank you for making the payment and as agreed", she says happily as she held out the love potion, "It is now yours".

Arthur takes the potion and walks towards the door. "Remember you have two months to find your true love. Good luck!", she yells with a wave.

Arthur looks at her but doesn't reply and heads out from the cottage into the forest.

"You're going to need it", she whispers.
Valentina walks over to her desk, sits down, and picks up a hibiscus that looked as though magic surrounded it.

She felt her eyes sting as she looked at the flower but she wiped her tears. She stopped wiping away her tears and let them fall down her cheeks like a waterfall.

Honestly I'm not even sure true love even exists anymore... It seems as though mortals have forgotten what it's really like to be in love...But maybe this one can prove me wrong...guess we shall see...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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