Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tyler's POV

As I drove back to my house Angela kept on looking outside the window.

"So, Tyler, maybe when we reach your house we can play some video games! Or maybe you can help me bake cupcakes!" Angela says excitedly.

"Since when did you start making cupcakes?" I asked Angela.

"Since never!" Angela says as if it were obvious.

I stay silent. Suddenly worried of how the making cupcakes would turn out.

An image of my kitchen on fire and cake batter scarred to the ground popped into my mind.

"Were defiantly not making cupcakes." I thought to myself.

But, before I could answer I revive a text message from Adam.

Want to meet up with the boys later today?

The text message said.

I looked over to Angela and replied to Adam.

Yes, I'll meet up with you guys. But, I have to bring my sister.

I looked once again to my little sister.

"Hey Angela." I say.

"What is it Tyler?" Angela asked.

"Want to meet some of the boys?" I asked Angela.

"Of course I would want to!" Angela says excitedly.

I smiled to Angela.

But, I got this strange feeling that I had before. Like once again I ignored it. I just hope that my instincts are wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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