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Once a human died,its soul depart from the body & will receive its verdict but sometimes,souls can't just go they remain in the world of the living to finish the things that they can't let go & won't allow them to go... regardless of the reasons,they must finish their unfinished business before they can rest in peace...

Century ago...

Jimin stood in front of the grave where his human body laid.

He remembers his name that's why he knows his the one who died & apparently he became a ghost...,from what he observed,he was a 20 year old boy, such a young man to die, his body was almost transparent,he can't touch anything apart from in animated objects.He can't touch any living creature.

"So i really died so young."

He silently watch as people start to disperse from his grave,he was floating around looking at them & trying to figure out who's who,who were his family,his friends & so on....

"Shouldn't I ascend to heaven by now?Then why am I still here?" he was now sitting on his stone.

"Well,that should be the case."

A man wearing an all white outfit w a silver hair suddenly appears in front of him startling him.

"Y-yah! you scared me!"

The man raised his brow, "Scared? but your a ghost now in case you don't know?"

"Well,I am now but of course I still felt like a human a while ago.." he may sound defensive but he knows his a scardy cat, in fact he got scared of himself.

"No human can float in the air like you do now, so stop thinking as if you're still a human, kid."The emotionless & irritated looking man said.

"Of course I know that!anyway, are you not a human too? I mean, you can see me?" he was puzzled,the guy looks just like a human & more of he was walking like one.

The man took a deep breath.

He watched as the guy bring out a brown book, "You are Park Jimin,20 years old cause of death,unknown... remember?"

"Yes,that's all I remember."He was wondering how he knew him.

"I'm Min Yoongi,a Keeper ,I keep checking the names of people who died & also the one who would tell what will happened to ur spirit..."

It feels surreal,first,him finding out his a ghost & now a man that's not either a human or a ghost is in front of him.

"I see,so where am I going now,will I go to heaven?I mean I don't know if I've been good all my life."

Yoongi paused before answering, "You can't go to heaven..."

"W-what?So am I going to hell!?" he was nearly crying,he must be a bad person when his alive & all the worst images of what hell looks like keep flashing in his mind.Just imagining he will be tortured in the sea of flames sent shiver down his spine.

He can't help but hug his body as if he was cold but the thing is he can't feel anything physically.

"Tell me,am I a horrible person when I'm still alive? Did I do some hideous things? Oh my God did.. did i k-kill someone!?"

Yoongi was a little irritated by Jimin's freaking out,& he wasn't even done talking.Sometimes,he really hates this part of his job....

"Park Jimin,calm down,will you!"

"But I can't,you just said I'm not going to heaven!"

"Shh!enough,let me finish first.." Jimin automatically silence.Sensing the other's really running out of patience.

My Ghost JIMIN [kookmin]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora