Chapter 5

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My mind kept repeating his name 'Suga' I thought of different reasons, possibilities, why would he recommend me? He obviously hated me, does he want to benefit from my popularity? I mean if I sing his song, wouldn't that give him a great step in his music career...all these thoughts that were roaming in my head stopped my exterior hearing, then a shout from Jihye had finally snatched me from my deep thoughts.

"Elle seriously you didn't hear a word, I was talking by myself since we got out of Bang pdnim's office" Jihye shouted angrily.

"I was listening"

"Of course you did and that's why you answered I'll eat chicken when I asked about what you were thinking "she said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I asked trying to look sincere.

Jihye let a heavy sigh and added "anyway I wanted to know wh..."

"Hi Elle" she was interrupted by Jin who was approaching us with Jimin both carrying pizza boxes.

"Oh Hi" I replied shyly.

He smiled, his eyes flickering from Jihye to me.

"This is Jihye, my manager" I introduced her.

"Nice to meet you" both Jimin and Jin bowed.

"Nice to meet you too, Jin Jimin...Oh my God you're so handsome" her eyes alight.

"Finally someone watches TV" Jimin's comment made Jin laugh out loud on one hand, on the other hand Jihye just starred at us with an awkward smile.

Embarrassed I looked down while smiling.

"Anyway do you want to join us for lunch, we got pizza" Jin said cheerfully while opening a pizza box slightly seducing us with both sight and smell.

At that moment I was a little hesitated, I thought that I'm going to be awkward so I decided to decline there offer politely, yet before I could even open my mouth Jihye cut me, "Of course"

I shot her a glare and whispered "what about Nana?"

She whispered her eyes still on the pizza "she will be with my mom, besides this is your chance for a social life".

A social life, Jihye has been convincing me with this idea since ever, it's not like I don't want to build a social life for me but I am afraid, but then again if I want to forget, if I want to start a new life if I want to be normal again, I should behave like normal people, share a meal together even if it was with that arrogant boy, isn't that what normal people do?

Besides I was hungry and the pizza was so tempting, so I guess this is the chance for me to both fill my hungry stomach and get out of my comfort zone.

We followed Jin and Jimin to what seems like a practice room with big mirrors in the walls and music equipment in sides of the room.

The rest of BTS were sitting on the floor chatting and laughing together.

"Hey look what we have here!" Jin drew their attention, and they finally noticed our presence.

They all stood up, except for Suga of course, who smirked when our eyes met.

"We invited them to eat together" added Jimin.

"Are you sure we have enough for everyone Jimin?" Suga drawled.

Jimin was flustered and looked at Jin for help.

"Even if it's not enough, sharing is caring, right Suga?" Jin answered on behalf of Jimin his tone was sharp marking his hyung position.

HEALER (BTS Suga fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt