Chapter 11

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Eight years is a long time. Isn't it?

But how can I remember everything crystal clear?

In a stormy night, climbing slowly on creaky stairs, his fingers playing with his keys, and the smell of alcohol shamelessly spreading in the air.

Undressed, or under the shower, I try to cover my eyes from a hideous reality, hidden in those scars.

Can the mirror break? Or can my eyes neglect them?

They are always there, under the piece of cloth, holding tightly on the past.

Thoughts and memories are everywhere, even when I close my eyes and shut my ears, the images and sounds are playing in every corner of my head.


With my hands on my ears and my eyes tightly closed, I screamed "Stop it please!"

'I can't stay here, I need to do something else, I need to forget, I can't, this is so hard.'

'I can't breathe, I'm scared, what if he comes back.'

I held my cap, put on a jacket and a scarf, and grabbed my key cars, I had to stop myself from thinking, and the only way to do that, is work. It was 3 am, but Suga must still be in his studio, so I decided to give it a try and go there.

When I was driving, I thought of the real reason, was it really work?

And why did I choose to go to Suga's studio?

As soon as I arrived, I could see that lights were on. I knocked on the door, no response, however I entered.

The first thing I saw, was Suga laying on the sofa, one hand was on his forehead, he seemed to be sleeping so I approached him with caution, scared to wake him up.

But with every step close to him, his breathing sound was getting louder, he was breathing hard, the moment I made myself the closest, I saw some droplets on his forehead.

'Maybe he is sick, should I check his temperature?'

I put my hand on his face, and to my surprise, he was hot as fire.

'What should I do? Should I call for Jihye?'

I grabbed my phone and with my shaking hands I started dialing Jihye's number, suddenly a hand grabbed my arm.

"Don't call for anyone" Suga said with his eyes still closed.

"No way, you're burning" I shouted.

"It's okay, it's just fever" he was still breathing hard.

He says it's just fever, doesn't he know how dangerous fever can be?

"But I can't see you like this and do nothing"

"There is medicament in the first drawer, if I take it, I'll be fine"

I gave him his medicine with a cup of water and kneeled before him.

"I'll take a nap, go home okay, I guess we can't work today" he gave me a weak smile.

Stupid, he even thinks of work when he is sick. He might be found dead in his studio and I won't be surprised.

"Okay, I'll be leaving after you close your eyes."

There is no way I'm leaving, I'll stay by his side, I can't leave him in this state.

The medicine I gave him surly worked on him, as he closed his eyes and seemed to fall in deep sleep right away.

I dipped my scarf in water then placed it on his forehead, I also searched for a fan to cool the air of the room, I learned all of this from Jihye, she always sticks by my side when I'm sick, even when I beg her to go, she says that no one should leave a sick person alone.

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