Za Warudo! History Lesson

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Ali: Today, we learn about the world history.

Chicken: Oh, man!

Ali: Don't worry. This is going to be fun. We are creatures of God. It is God who creates us from sand. He gives us life. Anyway, the world exists for very long time.

Edd: How long, sir?

Ali: About billions of years. Maybe trillions but, I don't know. The Big Bang is a process where volcanic eruptions form mountains and eventually, rain created the oceans of today. The power of God is evident.

Eddy: Yeah, sure! What happens next?

Ali: Life appears. The simple microorganisms came early, followed by more complex ones. Jungles and forests are abundant in this world at that time. Dinosaurs would roam the earth. Other animals, until humans arrive.

Chicken: When do chickens come?

Ali: Probably long before, or after, dinos. Btw, humans are special. Belief in many beliefs. Scattered around earth.

Edd: Where do we originally come from?

Ali: Not sure. Some say, Africa. India possible. Scattered, into groups, which have organized way of life. Elect leader known as king, emperor. Fought each other to spread influence, in culture. Religion would guide to better life. Also effective way to spread influence. A more favourable way. Involves preacher going to preach religion to a place outside the kingdom.

Quack: What is a papyrus, sir?

Ali: It is a substance used to make paper. Used mainly by ancient Egyptians.

Quack: Oh. I see.

Ali: Moving on.

Ed wanted to go to the bathroom. Mr. Ali allowed.

Ali: So far, you students understand?

Students varied in reception. Some said okay, some did not understand. The recess bell rang. Everyone went to the canteen, including Ed.

Mr. Ali was needed in the headmaster's office.

Head: How are things going?

Ali: Fine, sir.

Head: Good. Better be good. If so, you might get a bonus on your salary.

Ali: Oh, please. No need for bonuses. Not now. I am sincere in teaching the students.

Head: How are they?

Ali: Fine. We get along well.

Head: Good to hear.

Mr. Ali was dismissed. He joined his students in the canteen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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