Stiles' Birth (Mpreg)

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~~~AUTHORS NOTE: I'm not spoiling anything but if you cant handle intense situations idk if this is for you. I mean its not too bad but I just want to make sureeeee. anywayyy enjoy ~~~

"Damn!" Stiles said as he clutched his stomach. Scott darted his eyes down to where he was holding and rushed to his side "Stiles, whats wrong?" he held himself out ready to catch him. Stiles clenched his eyes close "N-nothing, the baby's just using my gut as a squeeze toy. He held onto Scott's broad shoulder.  One hand supported his under belly and he stood there for a moment panting. Scott waited "Listen, tell me if somet-" he was cut off " I think its time." Stiles grunted. Soon after he said that he collapsed to the floor in pain. Scott picked him up and carried him to the passenger seat of his Jeep. Stiles balled up in the seat and was trying to focus on his breathing. Scott handed him a phone "Stiles, I need you to call Derek and Issac." Stiles nodded. Stiles unlocked the phone but dropped in leading with him yelping in pain. His shaky hands grabbed it quickly and he pressed on Derek contact. Derek picked up the phone "What." he said  in a annoyed tone. Stiles tried to steady his void, he swallowed "Hugh, D-Derek? I uh, I think its time." the other line went quiet for a moment "I'll be there shortly." then he hung up. Scott looked off the road over to his friend "What'd he say?". Stiles squeaked "nngh, h-hes going to be h-here shortly." he said as he felt a warm liquid run down his leg. Stiles eyes widened "Shit, Scott my water bro- mmh OW". Scott sped up a bit just as he pulled into the hospital lot. Stiles stil in his ball had to be carried in. Stiles screamed " SCOTT, I cant do this!!". Scott placed him into a wheelchair and rubbed his belly in a sort of good luck way after handing off to Derek. Derek held his palm over stiles protruding abdomen absorbing his pain. Stiles had a short relief but was quickly struck with a large kick.  Stiles was sweating and his hair was in his face. Derek took his shirt and wiped him down and pushed his hair back. Stiles looked dazed and confused, he was looking around for Melissa. Derek yelled for her. Her head popped out from a corner and she rushed over to Stiles, sweeping him up. Stiles groaned, he felt hot tears run down his cheeks. The pressure on himself was intense "I can't. I CAN'T, Derek I CAN'T DO THIS!" he yelled in between sobs. Derek watched him as she took him into a not occupied room. Melissa helped Stiles up onto the bed and took his head "Stiles? Hey , hey just remember your breathes. In. And out." he calmly whispered. Stiles rolled his head up looking at the ceiling taking in heavy breaths that quivered. His breaths were steady for a good half minute but Stiles felt a jolt of pain surge through him. Stiles continued sobbing "Is this what its like?!?!" he aimed towards Melissa. She sat next to him " Yeah but you're certainly not handling it well." she damped his head with a cold towel. Scott busted in, wide eyed "Stiles, have you have you had the baby?!" he said in a cheerful manner. Stiles eyed his own belly then death glared him. Scott stooped down "Mom, is he ready?" she looked over to Stiles who was hyperventilating " From the looks he doesn't look ready but, his body is." she confirmed to Scott. She walked to him " Stiles I just have to see if your dilated or if your belly has dropped." Stiles nodded and took off his shirt. Scott looked surprised , he never looked big with a hoodie on but now that its off hes massive. Stiles lifted his chin to see over his stomach. Melissa took out a a tool to inspect  him.  Stiles' chest was moving up and down with each heavy breath "Please just.. mmh. Oh my god j-just get it over with. nngh." he exhaled while running his fingers over the sides of his belly. Scott went over to him and took his palm. Stiles eyes shut resulting with a sigh. Derek, Issac, and now Lydia walk in. Stiles looked a little embarrassed around Lydia. She came up next to Scott and and ran her fingers through Stiles'  hair "Oh sweetie. Your going to do just fine. Stiles took in every moment and closed his eyes but to be waken by reality once more. He cringed and arched his back. Lydia walked back to Scott and whispered something in his ear. Scott nodded and they walked out of the room. Meanwhile Stiles screamed this time but not like before, everyone in the room covered their ears. Stiles gagged on his cries and gripped onto Derek's hand so tight he heard cracks. Melissa called Scott and Lydia into the room to help. Melissa put on her gloves "Stiles, on your next contraction i'm going to need you to push. Okay?" everyone looked around. Stiles lifted his head "What?! no no nngh. Cant yo- AAUGH" he was cut off "Push!" Melissa yelled. Everyone tried to process what was going on. Derek continued to grasp Stiles' hand, Issac and Scott went to help Melissa and Lydia was encouraging him and wiping his face. Stiles' screams pierced the room. He let go of Derek and held onto the sheets. Issac came up from his legs with blood on his hands. Stiles noticed and his vision went blurry. Stiles murmured something. Scott glanced over at his face and took charge "Stiles! You gotta keep going! Stiles!!" Stiles had gone limp while you could see the foot of a baby push out from his belly. Derek got a cup of cold water and dumped it onto his face. Stiles gasped and continued to push.  "hnngm. Wait. WAIT! Wheres my Da-AAAAGH!!" Stiles cried out. Lydia took out her phone to call the sheriff. She tried to call the first time and he wouldn't pick up. The second worked "Y'ello" he answered "Listen please get here as soon as possible, Stiles is having the baby."  he could hear stiles agony through the phone . He replied "Ill be there in five minutes." and he hung up. The room was a bit quieter, it was nerve wracking. Lydia rushed back into the room. Stiles was pale. Melissa yelled at Scott to go get some supplies. She was panicking. There was blood everywhere. His face was showing pain but barely any emotion. Stiles huffed "I.. I cant anymore.. I  mmmhgn. A-Am I...g-going to die?" he gulped. Melissa was worried " No! Don't you worry every things okay." she nudged  him lightly and his eyes became heavy "I-I'm trying.. So. Hard!" he put everything he had into that push. Scott yelled "Stiles! I can see a head!" he looked down and Stiles fell unconscious. Sheriff ran in "Stiles! Stiles!! Oh my God my son!" he ran to his son and supported Stiles' head. He was shaking and his hands were trembling.  Blood. Just everywhere. Then the room went silent. A infants cry could be heard. Derek took the baby "Its a.. It's a g-girl." he placed her in a blanket. Stiles was ice cold. Lydia was horrified, she had seen the death coming. Stiles' belly was judding out from his abdomen and Melissa covered him. She shoved the Sheriff to the side and started CPR. Stiles' lifeless body lied in that bed while cracks from his rib cage cartilage echoed. It didn't seem to be working. It felt like a lifetime went by of Melissa counting "1..2..3.. *Pump* 1..2..3.. *Pump*" when she blew into his mouth his chest puffed up.  She was starting to get tired when Derek smacked the center of his chest with his palm at full force. Stiles gasped for air over and over until he could steady his breath. He leaned his head to the side " is.. she okay..?" his breathless voice sounded painful. Issac was handling her and he walked her over to her father. Stiles eyes brightened "H-Hey beautiful.." his wobbly arm reached out. Issac was smiling "Congratulations, what do you think your going to name her? Stiles held his child "I think i'm going to name her... Claudia."

~~Hey I hope you all enjoyed and please give me requests!! I like to write so I'll do really anything.~~

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