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' I dare Jelsa to go on a rowboat in the middle of the lake without anyone there and stay there for an hour!'

Jack: This is easy

Elsa: But soooo romantic!

Cyrah: Yuck! *points to her mouth*

Merida: You lassie, have no interest in romance.

Cyrah: Of course I do in Ask Mericcup but it feels like they went to Tier 15 with all the kissing and smooching.

Jelsa: *blush*

Hiccup: Isn't that in Adventure Time?

Punzie: Yeah now *pushed Jelsa on rowboat* Have fun and don't fall unless you wanna make Antarctica in the middle of the lake!

Cyrah: Isn't Arctic colder?

Punzie: *flicks hand dramatically* Oh shush!

Hiccup: No basically because the temperature allows it to.....*blabs on about nerdy stuff*

Merida+Cyrah: *face palm*

With Jelsa


Elsa: Soooo.....?

Jack: This is awkward but not your awkward  because we're.....

Elsa: Just be quiet!

2 hours later

Hiccup: Whoah! Dude! What happened?

Merida: Elsa! Your soaking wet!

Cyrah: Now tell us what happened!

Jack+Elsa: So after an HOUR we were just staring at the lake and we were about to kiss when the two eels from The Little Mermaid knocked us over then the scaly octopus evil woman took us to her lair then it took 1 hour to freeze her because of the two eels then we came back up!

Punzie: Whoah! Catch your breath!

Cyrah: You have a nerve to say that in a breath...

Elsa: Why?

Cyrah: Cause the laws in the force field we are standing in right now which is surrounding the lake says you must not say things in a breath or ur executed!

All: 0.0.    WHAT!?

Cyrah: Kidding!

Jack: Damn she pranked the King of Pranks again!

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