Holiday #2

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Beemo: What's the next activity?

Eliasa: First we have to eat.

Willow: Okay......what?

Eliasa: We have taco, hotdog, cheeseburger,hamburger, corn chips, chocolate mousse.....

Elsa: Wait who would eat chocolate mousse all by itself for dinner?

Jack: Someone who's a lunatic.

Mericcup: *snickers*

Hiccup: I'm glad we didn't go to Thailand, Willow will be horrified.

Willow: Why?

Hiccup: Cause people eat fish all the time...

Willow: O.o

Hiccup: And snakes......

Willow: x_x

Beemo: Darn she fainted

Eliasa: I hint you all lost your appetite.....

Everyone except W: YES!!

Eliasa: So I brought some chips, and we'll go to the picnic park.

Everyone except W: ;-)

Merida: Trust Eliasa to come up with a solution.

To be continued......

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