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"Agatha! Agatha! I know you took it!", little Selena yelled at her, her tiny blonde bun messy on top of her head, furious with anger, trying to catch her breath.
"Took what?", asked Agatha naively.
"My princess doll, the one with the blue dress and the shiny heels, I know you took it! you know it's my favorite, bring it back!" Selena threw the words at her, then tried to take her doll from behind Agatha's back.
"You'll have to catch me first!" Agatha laughed while she tried to run away from furious Selena, which right now looked almost in tears.
"Bring it back, or I'll tell mommy" she mumbled, with a hint of pleasure on her face, to see Agatha returning her the doll, with a slight look of disappointment. " I just wanted to play, I didn't mean to take your doll", she said while handing it back to Selena.

Selena started walking away, with a look of victory on her face, and the doll in her hand, but she tripped, and while she fell, she threw her arms high up in the air trying to catch on something, then happened the most bizarre thing the sisters seen- out of Selena's open palms, there where roots, leaves, and scrambles of soil, shooting out towards the fancy chandelier right above her, holding her tight and not letting her fall.
They both screamed, held by panic, while the roots disappeared, and left Selena standing there, confused, with too many questions coming up in her head.

Suddenly, they heard the door of the room slammed open, and saw their sister, Fiona, standing in the entrance, shaking and holding a sword, that she probably took from their dad's, the king, room.
"What are you girls doing?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!", she said while lowering the sword, and crashing on the couch.
"Fiona, you might want to hear what just happened" said Agatha quietly, while Selena sat down on the floor, with a scared look on her face, staring at her palms.

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