Do you belive in magic?

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"So what you sisters are saying, is that some plants grew from Selena's hand, then just disappeared?...", Fiona looked at her sisters in that "ok girls I know thats not true" look.
"Yes! That's exactly what happened! I know it sounds ridiculous but that's the truth!" Agatha said "I saw it with my own eyes!".
"Even if it's true, what are we supposed to do? what are we supposed to tell mom and dad? that their daughter just used magic in the living room to save herself from falling on her back? Even if it's true, they won't believe us!"
"I have an idea!" Said Agatha excitedly "they won't just have to believe us! They will see it themselves! Selena, do it again!". Selena nodded as for agreement "I'll try, but I'm not sure it'll work again".
She placed her palms open in front of her, and focused. For a slight moment, the sisters thought it's not going to work, but then, out of the blue, a sprout started to grow out of each of Selena's hands, tangling together, then started to bloom into pretty lily flowers.
"We did it! I mean, you did it!" Agatha was thrilled.
"Wow! It's true! And it's beautiful too!" Fiona was shocked. The sprouts already disappeared but Selena still sat on the floor with half of a smile on her face.
"It's, nice I guess..." she mumbled, she was worried what will their parents think, and what will she do to control it, but she found it very fascinating and wanted to know more and more about it.

"Hello Girls, is everything alright?" asked Madeline the maid, showing out of nowhere.
"Sure thing!" Agatha said with a big fake smile on her face.
"are you sure everything is alright girls? I heard a very loud noise coming from this room just a moment ago! Ok then, tell me if you need anything!" She closed the door behind her when she left.
"No one should ever know about this" said Fiona, the girls agreed.

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