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•Day one•

•The breakup•

Mackenzie's POV

I woke up at 5:30 am as usual.
I got out of bed and went to my closet. I decided to wear an adidas sweater and white ripped jeans with some white and black adidas superstars.

Today was Johnny and I's three month anniversary. I still remember how he asked me to be his girlfriend.
It was so cute.


It was December 28th and I was walking towards my locker like I always do after 4th period when I was suddenly spun around.

I locked eyes with the cutest boy in school and let's just say I had the biggest crush on him.

Johnny and I were face to face. Our noses could almost touch. I felt his breath on me. I could feel myself blushing.

At the most unexpected second we locked lips. After what seemed like forever he pulled away.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that" he chuckled. All I could do was smile. "Mackenzie Ziegler will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I practically screamed. I saw my best friend Valerie eying me. How could I forget... she has a crush on him too.

•End is flashback•

Once I got to my locker I saw Johnny walking down the hall holding flowers. I smiled. But then I realized he wasn't looking at me.

He was looking behind me. At Valerie. I couldn't stop staring at him. I turned around and saw Valerie smirking at me. My smile faded.

As soon as Johnny got to Valerie and gave her the flowers and my heart sank. Then the tears started flooding and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

Without thinking I ran. I ran to mine and Lauren's (Johnny's sister) safe Haven. Lauren was already there pacing. As soon as she saw me she froze.

"Mackenzie I'm so sorry. I had no idea about him and Valerie and if I did I would've told you. I know how much he meant to you." She said.

It seemed like her words went through one ear and out the other. All I could think about was how I saw him look at Valerie. And then it hit me.

The signs have always been there. Valerie glaring at me when Johnny asked me out. And how Johnny and Valerie would always sit suspiciously close to each other during lunch.

I just can't believe the love of my life cheated on me with my best friend. But why would he wait until today for me to find out?

Authors note•

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My Ex-Boyfriend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora