What is wrong with me?

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A/N: I know that this chapter is pretty short but I can finally say that I'm possibly back on track. I don't know if I need to put a language warning but There is swearing (not a lot though)

Lucas' POV:
I felt the cold ground beneath my
sweaty hands as my heavy heartbeat pounded away slowly. My entire body felt exhausted, I couldn't move anything. I opened my eyes, only to be met with a blurry darkness.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain through my forehead, causing a headache to rise. I had no idea where I was or even where Ness was for that matter. I managed to move my head a bit so that I could see a tiny bit of sunlight. Unfortunately, it only made my headache worse and I began to feel sick. It felt like if I moved anything I would throw up.

"Ness." I managed to gasp through my dry throat "Ness." I managed to call again before my voice completely cut out. My eyes began to flutter shut. It seemed as if I collapsed from exhaustion or something. "No, I-I've gotta find Ness." I thought to myself , determined to get up.

The last thing I could faintly remember was being grabbed from behind and being forcefully dragged away while being unable to cry for help. I didn't know if Ness had noticed it not or even where he would be now. "Wait... does that mean I-I've been kidnapped?" I thought. The thought of that sent panic through my body. My heartbeat got faster and faster as the pain in my head got worse. I had to find the spirit to get myself up but from where I was now... that seemed impossible.

After a while of  failed attempts of getting up, I managed to push my upper body up off of the floor with my hands. I mean they seemed like they could give away at any moment but it was a step up. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move my legs and even if I did I was certain that I would puke.

I looked up to the sunlight and tried to call for Ness one last time. "Ness! Ness, where are you?!" I managed to shout.
"Well it looks like you have enough fighting spirit to try and get back to Ness eh?" I heard a voice say. I didn't know where it was coming from and it was too dark to see anything. I couldn't focus on the sound of voice. The ringing in my head made it almost impossible to tell if it was someone I knew.

Without warning, my arm gave way. I was back at the beginning. "There's no way a weak brat like you could muster up the courage to get away." I hear the voice laugh. I could feel myself start to shake as I tried my best to get up again. "Stop trembling you twat!" Without warning, I was kicked back down to the floor. "Pathetic."

I began to feel dizzy as I could feel sick begin to slowly rise up my throat. "Go on... go and cry you pathetic piece of shit!"

Whoever it was, was right. I wanted to cry. I really did.
"It's not like anyone noticed and they probably wouldn't give a fuck about you anyway! You worthless brat!" The mysterious person began to violently kick me in the side. There was nothing I could do. I really was helpless.

I began to think to myself as the pain got worse.

"Why aren't you doing anything?!"
"You told Ness that you wouldn't hesitate."
"Just get up! It's not that hard!"
"Ness isn't gonna hold your hand through everything."
"You're not even fighting back!"
"Ness is probably ashamed of you."
"You don't deserve Ness."
"What are you still doing here?"

What am I still doing here?

The person began to swear at me again, telling how worthless and weak I was. I knew all of that.
"I'm probably gonna die here." I thought to myself as let myself pass out, not even fighting back. "At least if I'm dead then I won't have to live with this shame... but if I'm dead, Ness would Be heartbroken. I don't want that. If I let myself die then I would regret so much."

"I'm not gonna let myself die."
"I will find my way back to Ness."
"I will."

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