Chapter 20

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Back again :) Sorry for the delays between updates, I know I'm mean, but honestly I do have reasons, I haven't had my laptop, plus I've been going through some personal stuff lately, so sorry for any delay, but I read each one of your comments with a smile, it means so much that you keep asking for updates, gives me motivation! I love you all, Imogen xxx


Upon arrival at the airport, Ruby and I exited the car and quickly pulled up our hoods. This was our time, and as much as I adored the fans, I wasn't really in the mood for screaming fans and hormonal teenage girls, throwing themselves at my feet, sobbing uncontrollably as they declare undying love for me... Or declarations of desire to er... well, i suppose you could work that out for yourself.

Ruby and I linked hands and smiled at one another, a little sadly. "Ruby babe, you need to cut your nails, look at what they did to me!"

I display the tiny cut, a small line of dark red on my hand near Ruby's long, painted nails. Ruby rolls her eyes and raises her other hand, examining the length of her nails with a small smile. "They're not that long are they?"

"Babe they could be lion's claws."

"Well then, rawr." She deadpans, raising her hand in a claw motion, her face practically expressionless barr the hint of a smirk playing on her lips and dancing in her brown eyes.

A sudden flash makes our heads turn, my hood falling in the process, and I spot a man briskly walking away, a top-of-the-range camera badly hidden under his leather jacket, a pleased smile on his face.

"Well, look out for that on the cover of a magazine..."

"What, with the caption, 'Styles' psycho girlfriend believes she's a cat'?" Ruby smirks.

I nudge her playfully as I drag her cases behind us, through the entrance to the busy airport, where people are milling about, chatting excitedly or frowning in frustration. We worm our way through to glance up at the board, noting that Ruby's flight is in another hour, we start to make our way to the check-in desk in comfortable silence, relishing the time we have left alo-



I catch Ruby's eye and smile ruefully, she grins back and squeezes my hand in understanding. "There your fans Harry, go talk to them!"

"Not without you!"

"But Harry, some of them, well they don't exactly li-"

"That's their problem, I like you! No, I love you, they'll just have to put up with that." I reply with a shrug, turning to the source of the screaming where a gaggle of teenage girls (and a few guys who are eyeing Ruby up as if she's something to eat), are being held back by one of our security guards, Marcus I think his name is.

"Hello!" I call back, grinning. I hear a few girls wail, one screams, 'HIS DIMPLES, HOLY SHIT HIS DIMPLES!', making both me and Ruby chuckle.

I notice Sara from PR walking over, typical, our crew had to follow us here, you can't ever have a private moment to yourself.

"Airport security are sectioning off the area, you have fifteen minutes to talk to the fans then you and Ruby will be taken through to departures by Mark (oh, not Marcus then) and Preston. If I were you, I'd use this time on the fans, don;t focus solely on Ruby. No offense dear." She tells us, adding the last part with a terse nod at Ruby who simply smiles a little, her hand loosening from mine.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2012 ⏰

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