Chapter 1

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Cammie POV

It had been exactly 2 years since Shannon and I broke up. Last year - I didn't really give much thought to the day. I thought about it but I was in a relationship, I knew I couldn't dwell on it - it wouldn't be fair on Kara. I was so proud of Shannon - she had won the LGBT British Award last year. Today however, it's different. I can't stop thinking what would of happened if I was still with her. Would we be married by now? Have kids? I did miss her - there were days I missed her a lot. She was my first love. I got up out of bed and decided to get on with my day. I was supposed to meet Amy for brunch, we hadn't met up in a while cause I was in London so I was looking forward to catch up. Part of me was looking forward to ask her about Shannon. I was friends with Shannon and we talked but it wasn't the same, how close can you really be with an ex? I hadn't seen her in a while since she moved in with Kari - I couldn't just pop by like I would when she lived with Amy, Meghan and Jess.

I got to The Vegan Joint early since my apartment was closer than Amy's. I asked for a table and texted Amy to ask where she was. However as soon as I sent the text she came through the door and smiled when she saw me.
"Heyy! How have you been?" She said
"Yeah everything's been okay - look at you though!" I replied
"Aww thanks hun, how was London? How's Kara?" Amy said.
I felt myself slightly pause at the sound of her name - I had been thinking about Shannon all day that I'd forgotten to even text Kara.
Amy realised and asked if everything was okay between us. I decided if it was anyone I could talk about this with, it was her.
I let out a loud sigh and looked at her.
"Its May 12" I said. She looked confused. "Shannon and I broke up on May 12th"
Her face relaxed and she said "Oh - wait. You still haven't gotten over her?"
"It's not that - it's Shannon, I will always love her it's just sometimes I think what if? What if we hadn't broke up?" I replied.
"I didn't realise you regretted it - what are you going to do about it?" She said as our food arrived.
I adjusted my plate and smiled at her.
"I don't know, I've always pushed it aside because of Kara but we had this massive argument whilst I was in London and I don't know it made my miss Shannon more for some reason" I said as I played with my food. Amy however was proper munching on her food listening to me with her eyes wide open.
She smiled and said "Well whatever happens make sure you don't hurt Kara - that isn't like you and you know you'd regret it"
"Yeah I know, honestly right now I would just want to go see Shannon just to talk but I can't, she's living with Kari now" I said.
"Yeah I know but Kari is in New York right now promoting her new song" Amy told me
"Oh really? Well even if that's the case Alex is there and I shouldn't" I replied
"I know you shouldn't but part of me always wanted you guys to get back together" she said with a smirk.
I laughed and started eating. I took my phone out and texted Kara. I decided I wouldn't do anything until I saw Kara again. She was supposed to come here for business next month so that was perfect.

We finished having brunch and Amy invited over to hers. We had been planning to do another collab, our last 2 had done really good so we wanted to just schedule dates. Last time we had said when we do Drink and Dare and Truth and Drink again we would not be sipping beers but instead doing shots. So we needed a whole day to sober up! We decided that we would do it the following week on Wednesday as we were both free. As soon as I left, my phone rang - it was Kara.

"Hey babe - how are you? I've been super busy today with work just settled back home" She said.
"Hey baby, yeah I'm okay, I'm actually on my way back home from Amy's so I'll call you later okay?" I replied.
"Okay babe yeah sure, take care love you" she sounded hurt but I didn't want to talk to her, not today.
"Yeah bye love you" I said.
I got home and just fell asleep. I needed this day to be over - why did I feel this way? It had been 2 years at the end of the day!

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