Chapter 22

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Shannon POV

I fucked Up. No other words for it. I lay in bed thinking why I had kept it from Cammie. Did I still like Fletcher? Is that why I didn't want to tell Cammie? I knew it was true, I loved her whilst we were together but that was over a year ago and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Cammie. Why didn't I just tell her?

I got out my phone and texted Cammie.
"Babe, I know you want space but I'm freaking out. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry. I should of told you. I don't want to loose you and I will do anything I can to show you how sorry I am.
I am sorry Cam!
I'll give you your space for now.
Love you"

I didn't sleep at all that night, I had a meeting the next day for work. I had decided that I would go see Cammie afterwards at Amy's apartment. Although I wasn't sure if she'd still be there. The whole day was a blur, I wouldn't even be able to tell you what the meeting was about, I was out of it. I kept checking my phone to see if Cammie had replied but had no luck.

Once I was free, I rushed home just incase she'd gone home but everything was the way I left it. So I headed to Amy's. On my way, I decided to get Cammie some flowers, she loved flowers and I bought her, her favourite vegan snack. When I got to Amy's, she buzzed me in and I went up to her apartment. I knocked on her door and took a deep breathe. I could do this.

"Hey Shannon" Amy said.
"Hey Amy, is Cammie here?" I asked
"Yes, but she doesn't want to speak to you right now" she explained. I gulped.
"She knows I'm here?" I said.
"Yes" Amy said getting uncomfortable.
"Okay, can you give her these please? I'll leave you guys." I said nervously handing Amy the flowers and food.
"Yeah sure, I'm sorry Shannon" she said
"No, I fucked up. It's my fault. Just please tell her I am sorry" I said and walked away.

The drive home was probably the longest drive I've ever taken. I was crying uncontrollably, it's one thing getting hurt, you can work through that and overcome it. But hurting the person you love, that shit can mess with you. Again I lay in bed just staring out in to nothing. My stomach was rumbling, I realised I hadn't eaten all day but I wasn't hungry. I just lay there.

Cammie POV

"You should have some breakfast Cam" Amy said.
I was lying down on her bed, it was midday and I hadn't gotten out of bed. I didn't want to get out of bed. I knew Shannon didn't mean anything by what she did but it still hurt. We were going to get married, there shouldn't be any secrets.
"Thank you but I'm not hungry" I said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked
"No thank you, I just need some space" I said and grabbed my phone.
"Okay well if you need anything let me know, I'll be in the living room" she told me.
"Thanks" I smiled and looked at my phone.
I reread the message Shannon had sent me, I knew she was sorry and I knew she was probably hurting too but how could we get married if she was keeping secrets.
I decided to go in YouTube and watch some videos, it was funny whenever I was upset I'd always watch our old videos even when I was with Kara. A suggested video was "A video for my girlfriend", it was the video Shannon had made for me for our 3 year anniversary. As I was about to play it, Amy walked in.
"Shannon is downstairs, she's coming up" she said. My heart sunk, I knew she would come but I was still surprised.
"Tell her I'm not ready to see her yet please" I asked Amy.
"Okay - you sure though?" She asked
"Yeah I am thank you" I said.
I heard the door open and some muffled noises and then the door closed. A few moments later, Amy walked in again.
"She bought you this and said she's truly sorry" Amy said handing me flowers and a brown bag.
I looked inside the bag and found my favourite brownies, I instinctively smiled.
"This girl knows me" I said smiling and taking a bite out of a brownie.
"She loves you Cam and she's sorry, I saw it in her eyes. I've never seen her like this" Amy said.
She left me in the room and I sat staring at my phone. I watched the video. I knew I was lucky to have Shannon in my life. She'd never do anything to purposely hurt me. Before I knew it was gathering my stuff and walking out the room towards the living room.
"I'm going to head home. I need to talk to Shannon, me hiding here won't solve anything" I said. "Thank you for having me!"
"No worries Cam. Drive safely" she said and leaned in to hug me.
I left and drove home. I knew Shannon probably hadn't eaten anything all day so I stopped by Taco Bell and got her some tacos.

When I got to our house, everything was dark it was like no one was home. I put the food in the kitchen counter and headed for the room.
Shannon was laying down sleeping, she still had her shoes on so she probably dozed off at some point. I sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

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