Chapter 8

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Cammie POV

It was too soon to get in to another relationship, i knew that but it was Shannon. She was my ex - I had missed her. I was going to take her to our favourite restaurant and then redo our first date. I had rented a truck and filled it with pillows and blankets. I drove up to her apartment and knocked on her door. She opened the door and smiled at me. "Hey Miss Camden Scott!" She said.
"Hello to you Miss Shannon Beveridge" I replied "Would you like to follow me this way?" I said.
"Don't mind if I do" She replied.
We walked to the truck and the smile on her face spread from ear to ear.
"No you didn't babe" She exclaimed.
Babe. I hadn't heard her say that in ages - i got sudden butterflies in my stomach.
"Come on - I got a long day planned for us!" I said.
We went to dinner and then I drove her to the beach, where I set up the back. Unlike our actual first date, it was not raining and the moon was shining bright. We sat there watching the waves hit the sand over and over. She leaned over to me and I placed my head on her shoulder, we didn't speak, we just sat there taking it all in.

Shannon POV

I couldn't believe Cammie had rented a truck to recreate our first ever date. All our memories came flooding back, the butterflies in my stomach that day, the pure bliss I felt. Luckily it wasn't raining like it did that day in Dallas. We were taking the scenery in when Cammie turned to grab her speakers. She started playing "Kiss me" - I couldn't believe this was happening.
"Kiss me like you want to be loved" She whispered.
My heart melted, I leaned in to her and slowly placed my lips on her, she slowly licked my bottom lip and I let her. She slowly went on top of me whilst our lips were still together so that she was straddling me. And we just made out for the rest of the evening. It was perfect. I had missed her so much. I didn't care about anything else at that moment.

She drove me home and we sat in the car for a minute. "Come up with me babe?" I asked.
"Not yet Shan. I love you - I always have and I always will but not yet" she smiled.
"I love you too Cam, I never stopped loving you. I'll wait for you" I said and gave her a quick kiss and then left to go upstairs.

We spoke everyday that week but we were both super busy with work that we could only meet in the evenings. We would just watch movies or binge shows but I still hadn't stayed over. I was supposed to g over to hers after a meeting one day but Ally invited me to get some drinks at a gay bar. I texted Cammie and let her know I was going to head over to hers later as I was going to hang out with Ally for a bit. She was okay with it and I went with Ally. No one knew Cammie and I were sort of dating - we wanted it to be a secret for as long as we could. However Ally did know I was single, so she started setting me up with girls left and right when we got to the bar. I was uncomfortable and was just being polite when I was introduced to someone. I hadn't even realised Ally was snap chatting a lot of the night. It got to about 10 and I decided I'd call it a day and head to Cammies.

When I got there, I rang the doorbell and waited. Nothing. I rang again, there was still no answer so I called Cammie, she picked up and sounded angry "What do you want?" She said.
"I said I was coming over after?" I explained
"What did it not work out with all the other girls you were talking to at the bar?" She said
"Babe, don't be angry, nothing happened - please open the door and I can explain" I pleaded
"I don't need your explanations - just leave" she said stubbornly
"Oh come on babe pretty please" I said in my baby voice
She opened the door and was frowning
"Camden Scott I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ally doesn't know this is happening remember? So she kept insisting I talk to all these girls and so I did but I wasn't flirting or anything - I was just being polite" I explained. "and honestly babe it made me realised" I said grabbing her hand "I want you to be my girlfriend." She looked at me with a smile creeping along her mouth. "Will you be my girl friend Camden Scott?" I said.
She smiled at me and said "Yes! Of course I will!" as she jumped on me and started kissing me.

Cammie POV

I knew there was no reason for me to be jealous but i was. We weren't official and we hadn't slept together yet but that didn't mean I didn't want her sleeping around with other people. When she asked me to be her girlfriend  I couldn't contain my happiness, I jumped on her and started kissing her. She carried me in to my bedroom and laid me on the bed still kissing me softly me. She then started kissing me on my neck and found the spot - she knew the spot all too well. I let out a small moan and she carried on kissing my neck. I motioned for her to take my shirt off and she did and went back down to kiss down to my boobs. She slowly unhooked my bra and gave me her sexiest smile.
She slowly sucked my nipple and I let out another moan. I then took off her shirt and swung her over so that I was in top and proceeded to do the same. She let out a moan when I got to her neck and leaned in to kiss me - it was hard but I knew it meant she wanted me.
I took her bra off and proceeded to kiss her stomach. I loved her stomach - she had been working out - cause it was more toned. I teased her as I kissed her just above her jeans and slowly unhooked them.
She slid them off and I proceeded to kiss the inside of her thigh. She let out a moan and between breathes said "Oh Cammie you're such a tease!"
I slowly took her underwear off and got to work with my mouth. She told me not to stop between breathes and when she was close I inserted two fingers. Her body moved along with my fingers and she came.
I went back up and kissed her slowly and passionately.

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