Chapter 1

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HELLLOOOO! Here is my new Niall Horan love story!! Tell me if you like it. Enjoy love you xxx

WARNING: The beginning of this story will have self harm,suicide thoughts,and neglect. It may be a little depresssing but bear with me it will get happier! 

Chapter 1

Do you ever just want to run from your past? Change everything about you and have a new beginning. Well, that’s exactly what I did, Gracie Tom. I’m tired of always remembering my past. Everything triggers it, mostly my home and family though. I am the average middle child in the family. My younger sister Rosie is 11 years old and smarter than my whole family pout together. My older brother Al is very athletic and girls call him “perfect”. My parents don’t care about me, spending all of their time either at work or with Al and Gracie. I remember the first time I realized they could care less for me. I was 13 and I was so excited. My English teacher read my first actually stories. I was very proud of it and my teacher said it was really good and I had potential. As soon as I got home I raced to tell my parents what she said.

          “Hey moms guess what!” She looked at me with an annoyed look and moved the phone away from her ear.

          “Honey, I’m busy.” I looked at the ground and frowned.

          “Oh…okay.” I mumbled I doubt she even heard me. Soon after I heard the front door open and close. My older brother comes into the room beaming. He walks past me and slaps me upside the head.

          “Hey, nerd.” I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my head. I went into the kitchen for ice. When I come back my brother was sitting in front of my mom.

          “Mom, guess what.”

          “Hold on Linda. What is it Al?”  I turned away before I could hear what he said. I’ll just go tell my dad I though he will care. As I walk into his office he too was on his phone. As I walked up to his desk he gave me a small smile and put the phone down. He began to pound away at the keyboard; concentrating on the screen.

          “Dad guess what?”

          “Honey, I’m busy right now you if you haven’t noticed. Can this wait??” I frowned at him. He is really going to do this to me too?

          “It really can’t it’s very important today my en-“

          “Hey sweet pea! How is my favorite girl in the world?” I turned around to see my little sister Rosie running towards my dad. He had his arms wide open and she jumped into his arms. He kissed her forehead then sat down; with her in his lap.

          “How was my favorite daughter’s day?” I felt my heart shatter I thought I was his favorite daughter. He already forgot that I was even standing here why would I be his favorite daughter? I felt the tears prick my eyes as I ran to my room. I collapsed on the bed crying my eyes out.

 I was and am the disappointment in the family. My granddad was the only person in my family who would ever listen to me or read my stories I wrote. Saying that takes me back to that same day. My parents obviously didn’t want to read my story and could care less about me.

          “Why would they care! I am not a genius or a star athlete, why would they care about me?” I said to myself between sobs. I heard a knock on my door. I quickly wiped away my tears and sat up in bed.

          “Come in.” Except it didn’t sound like that, my voice was so strained from crying so much. My grandfather walked into my room. Which was the smallest in the house.

          “What’s wrong pumpkin?” His voice automatically comforting me. I looked up at him his green blue eyes filled with concern. I look at him; his hair gray with some black in it, wrinkles on his face, his face has the word concern writing all over it.

          “M-m-mom and D-Dad w-wouldn’t r-read my st-st-story. T-they don’t care about me.” I remember he didn’t say they care about me they just have a weird way of showing it. He said

          “Let me read your story; I’m sure it’s wonderful.” He read it and was “blown away” as he said.

 He was more like a father figure to me then my own dad was. He was also my best friend. He died 2 years ago from a rare disease called Infectious Myocarditis. It’s an inflammation of the heart that will soon cause it to fail, unless having a heart transplant. My family didn’t care enough to pay for a heart transplant for him though. Soon after he died I went into a deep depression. I cried myself to sleep every night. It was so and that I rarely got any sleep and began failing all my classes. That’s when my parents became involved. My mom took me to the doctor and he prescribed me Paxil, an anti-depressant.  He also gave me Ambien a sleeping pill that will help my insomnia. My insomnia went away but my depression didn’t. I started to cut myself. I became addicted to it. I had to cut myself every day. I was like a druggie addicted to heroin or meth; I couldn’t stop. As the warm blood would drip down my arm I felt my pain and heart ache go away. It also left scars that I had to cover up with rubber bracelets. I became the freak at school and lost all of my friends. That’s when the bullying began. I had no friends and was known as the emo freak. The things said about me and to my face were just unreal “slut” I’ve never slept with anyone. I don’t even have a boyfriend. “No one cares about you emo freak” that was true but they had no idea about that. Even some of the teachers called me emo freak! It always came out as a slip of the tongue but they all knew it was true. The bullying soon became physical; I was pushed towards the ground, hit, punched, and kicked. It was a living nightmare. It was all too much for me. One thing piling on another. I couldn’t take it anymore. I began thinking about suicide daily. And was brave enough to even attempt it. I remember cutting myself the blade going deeper and deeper. Before I got to my arteries though I heard a voice. My granddads voice.

          “Don’t do this you have so much to live for.” I broke down into sobs right there. I have stopped cutting myself all together but I still have the scars that remind me of it. Now, I’m sitting in my room starting at the back pack sitting by the window. It had everything in there. Clothes, food, money, and my notebook. I don’t go anywhere without my notebook. It has everything in there. All my stories, diary entries, my feelings. I’m going to run and my notebook will be the only reminder of my past. I’m going to change my name, dye my blonde hair brown, and get colored contacts to cover up my bright blue eyes. I won’t be the freak that cuts herself and is always depressed. I will be the real me. Just with different color eyes or hair.

          “Gracie! Get your butt down here now.” Great just what I need. To get yelled at by my dad for doing something I never did. I quickly, made my way down the stairs and to the living room.

          “Yes sir?”

          “Your mother and I are going out for the night and I need you to watch Rose.” No. There is no way I’m going to be here watching my genius sister watch the history channel all night. When I could be leaving this hell hole.

          “Why can’t Al do it?”

          “He has to get some rest he has a big game tomorrow.” Please, doesn’t my dad know that Al sneaks pout every night to go to parties? I guess his perfect son isn’t so perfect.

          “Fine whatever. I’ll do it. Go have fun” I said and went up to my room. As a soon as I heard the door close ran back down stairs.

          “Hey Rosie? I’m going to bed now I’m quite tired. Will you be alright down here by yourself?”

 I said yawning. I should become an actor!

          “Yes. I will be fine. I don’t know why you have to watch over me anyways.” YES! I walked up the stairs slow and groggy like I was real tired. When I got up to my room I put my hair up in a ponytail and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I walked to my window and slowly started to climb down the lattice on the side of my house. I jumped on the ground from 20 feet from it. I’m finally on my own. This is my new life.

 Hope you liked it! Comment,vote,and favorite! LOVE YOU xx

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